Why Recycle Asphalt?
Despite its elaborate process, recycling asphalt can help local governments save money from having to pave roads with new materials. At the same time, the act of recycling also introduces new business opportunities and will help create a greener environment in the long run as well. In 1990, the California Integrated Waste Management Board concluded that Construction and Demolition materials (including asphalt) made up 28% of the waste stream, totaling up to 11 million tons of waste in that year alone. A much deeper studied discovered that out of the 11 million tons of waste, 8.2 million tons were found to consist of asphalt, dirt, concrete, brick and other rubbles, out of which only 57% was recycled. As asphalt also contains a high amount of oil, the price of virgin asphalt has also dramatically increased in line with the drastic oil price hike. With oil prices now hovering around the USD90 range, the demand for recycled asphalt is also growing in tandem as recycled asphalt is cheaper and yet just as durable as virgin asphalt.