Appearances Roller girlRoller skate girlPhoenixYumaTucsonTempeFlagstaffScottsdaleSedonaDr. They disagreed when Arizona wanted to change Dr. Kenley's course of treatment. While she was in the hospital trying to fight the infection in her leg, she mentioned that she was still very much "pissed off" and stated that she felt as though Karev should have been in the crash rather than herself, because she spent the whole time thinking about her wife and her baby and he had no wife and no baby; he had no one. Arizona blames Callie for making her decisions. Arizona even became pregnant with a sperm donor's child but miscarried. Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. However, before she managed to ask them for the favor while doing ultrasound for April, Penny came into the room and told Arizona that she was on Arizona's service that day. [67], Sofia was suspended from school for stealing the field trip money from her class. [40], After the failed attempt, she and Richard continued their nights out to the lesbian bar. When Callie started talking about how great her girlfriend was and how they connected, Arizona asked her to dial down the enthusiasm a little and advised her to read the room before opening her mouth. Arizona made it clear to Leah that she and Callie were trying to repair their marriage and assured her that it didn't have to be awkward between the three of them. [16], After Callie made the comment about having lost her, Arizona was left speechless as an angry Callie left the room. Arizona then decided to explain that sometimes she doesn't always make the right choice under pressure and that she was wrong. She is the first known attending to have been the Head of two different departments, in this case Pediatric Surgery and Fetal Surgery. She got Alex to do so, but Callie was too drunk already to reply. Later, Callie came to apologize for jumping the gun, but Arizona told her about the Barton School calling her. He did everything he could, but she kept deteriorating. Arizona explained she didn't want April to go through what happened last time again, but April says her faith in a good outcome would remain until God told her otherwise. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. Arizona also walked slower with her walking stick than other doctors, like Alex, who could still run. Bailey told Callie to hide, as her presence would mean too much pressure. Eliza thanked her and then they hugged. She quickly discharged Charlotte and went to tell Richard that she crashed instead of flew. Arizona initially got off on the wrong foot with Dr. Bailey and Karev. At the end of the day, Arizona met Lauren again in the elevator, which was what Lauren had hoped for. They bonded over a shared experience of moving all the time as a kid. While looking for spare batteries for the NICU machines, Arizona confessed to Alex that she cheated on Callie with "that woman out there" and that she felt horrible about it. Callie came home to get Arizona for the meeting anyway, only to find her sitting in a pool of her own urine in the bathroom, having fired the homecare nurse for not liking her. Parents Trying for Another Baby, Counseling, and Separation, You Can Look (But You'd Better Not Touch), No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance), I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me, I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked, Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. [22], Arizona started off a sexual relationship with Leah and they agreed it would just be sex. Arizona gave her Norman McCale's number, saying he'd totally agree with her plan. Arizona and Teddy continued to keep in touch after Teddy moved to Germany, as Arizona learned about Owen double-dipping from her phone conversation with Teddy. On the morning of Halloween, Leah wakes up in Arizona's hotel bed. Before walking away, she told Arizona she hoped she'd see her around, charming Arizona. Ann was her favorite scrub nurse until she was laid off as part of the pre-merger cutbacks. Bailey complained to Richard about Arizona, but he simply told her to work with Arizona because that's who they had. That inspired Arizona to look into it as a surgical project and once she had written up a proposal, she asked Carina to work on it with her, a decision they sealed with a kiss. Finally, as she regained her strength and confidence when she learned to use her prosthetic. Impressed by Lauren's skills, Callie whispered to Arizona that she was a little bit in love with Lauren, and Arizona awkwardly smiled. Arizona then locked the door, kissed Lauren again, and took off Lauren's lab coat.[15]. Arizona said while she revealed her residual limb. She went to a lounge, where she took of her prosthetic. As she wasn't sure their relationship would survive that, Arizona pointed out there were plenty of ways to make it work if she wanted it to work. This would mean the hospital had to pay the awards for the doctors itself, but since there wasn't enough money to do so, the hospital would go bankrupt.[12]. When Callie had the chicken pox, Arizona snooped through. She also didn't want her life to get screwed over by something that wasn't even there. Her brother later joined the army and died because there weren't enough doctors. She assumed that Arizona's reluctance was related to her brother's death, but Arizona told her she simply liked her life the way it was. Callie eventually woke up and turned to Arizona, who was sitting at her bedside, and whispered, "Yes, I'll marry you." [57], As Arizona was leaving the hospital the next day, Eliza found her and when she claimed she'd be happy if Eliza was fired, Eliza called her on it, saying it would scare her because it would mean the two of them could be something. Despite the fact that it was fun, she decided not to see the woman again because she was also kind of crazy. At the hospital, Arizona and Callie found out they both made different costumes for Sofia. Also, several board members were out and Callie and Arizona couldn't be in the same room together, complicating things even more. When Herman was blind after her tumor resection, Arizona took over being head of fetal surgery. GA: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 On day 30, they went back to the counselor together, where Arizona said that she needed Callie, her anchor. After Carina made a comment about moving countries at the drop of a hat, Arizona asked her if she was just going to leave suddenly and end their relationship. Mark and Cristina both suggested that she lie and say she broke up with Arizona, but after Arizona approached her and told her that she loved how Callie cared so much about things and wouldn't care if Callie lied, Callie decided not to lie because her family should accept her. Arizona waved her over and Leah apologized to Arizona for having told them, but Arizona then said she was going to be very frank. [46] As April continued to be mad, Arizona found herself in the middle of other people's situation again when Callie lied to Penny and told her that Arizona was not comfortable with her meeting Sofia. She used a difficult case to lure Arizona out of her apartment and to the hospital. In the end, Callie was shown to have accepted this as well and decided to leave with Arizona. When Cristina yelled, "I found it! They got drunk, and paged Leah to the closet to get them some more champagne and snacks. Siblings [34], On Bailey's first day as Chief, Arizona was confronted with Callie enthusiastically telling everyone but her about her fantastic new girlfriend. Callie tried to cheer her up, but it didn't really work. As they began to work together more frequently, they got closer and became less hostile towards each other. April found her there and offered comfort, but Arizona kindly sent her away. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. They hugged in happiness, and Callie even kissed Arizona's belly. Callie yelled back that she did so to save Arizona's life. She later met with Alana, who understood that she was having a moment. During Arizona's third year as a med student, doing an. Raised to love my country. The hospital decided to settle, while Callie decided to fight the allegations. [36], After having heard about Penny through Callie's stories, it was finally time for Arizona to meet her at the dinner party at Meredith's house. Penny then appeared. She then said they went "everywhere." She then coughed up blood again. When Jackson came into the board meeting to tell them that Dr. Boswell was in a cab on her way to the airport, Callie outed Arizona as a cheater in front of everyone, embarrassing Arizona. Does Jackson Avery die? She went to ask Richard for advice, and was told that she was a smart and confident woman. The situation in the NICU got even more complicated when the electricity died, meaning the ventilator batteries would die eventually. She had applied for this grant two years previously, when she hadn't met Callie yet. Arizona then asked if Callie wanted the badge of honor and the warrior wounds for having survived the plane crash. However, Arizona didn't take off her leg and apologized when Callie came back into the room. Callie was feeling awful, and Arizona gave her a drawing Sofia made to make her feel better. For the parking space. The OB did the ultrasound, but couldn't find a heartbeat. When she returned to work, she and Alex maintained their friendship and working relationship with Alex looking out for her. However, the night before Halloween, Leah did sleep over, which they had previously agreed she wouldn't do. She suggested that they do a ladies' night. Later, when Arizona noticed Teddy staring mooningly at Owen, Arizona declared that the two of them were going to be friends, going so far as to claim that, "I'm an awesome friend." Leah thinks it's not, as she's all about easy. When he told her he couldn't feel his legs, she suddenly stopped laughing, and he said he knew that was bad. Feeling uncomfortable, Arizona quickly left with Sofia. When Cristina Yang was put on her service she made Cristina attach a small toy bear, Mr. Bear, to her lab coat and made sure she knew that pediatric surgery was not general surgery in miniature and that Cristina had to like children. [28], Callie and Arizona decided to use a surrogate to try to have another child. ", Arizona thought she found the first aid box, but Cristina was talking about her shoe. When she did find out, she thanked Alex for telling her. [45] April was furious at her. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. When head pediatric surgeon Jordan Kenley died, Arizona was promoted to department head and took over Dr. Kenley's cases. Leah eventually told her fellow residents that she was having something with Arizona. She advised Arizona to follow therapy on her own for a while. She specifically requested Bailey for the surgery on the patient, but since Bailey was busy with Richard, Arizona stepped up as a general surgeon. The relationship was threatened again when Callie got annoyed at Arizona for believing that George joining the army was awesome, but after hearing that Arizona's brother died in the war, she apologized. During their flight, the back of the plane broke off and the plane crashed in the woods.[2]. Arizona is one of the "Grey Sloan Seven". They agreed to rest for a minute and then rally, but they both fell asleep and when they woke up, it was morning. After completing her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Arizona was hired as a surgical fellow at Seattle Grace Hospital's pediatric surgery department. Arizona didn't mention who she slept with, though Callie figured it out later in surgery when Leah made a mistake and desperately begged Arizona to step in and help her. At the end of the day, Arizona allowed Callie, who was ready to go back to Mark's place, to sit next to her on the couch to watch American Bake Off together. The next night, they left the hospital and went to Arizona's house, where they had sex. After seeing Callie at the fundraising gala, Arizona escaped back to the hospital, where she hid in a supply closet to cry. Without Arizona, she went to the meeting, where it was decided not to take the settlement. Arizona went to help April to get dressed up, and broke down in the dressing room. Arizona replied that it was okay, as they've all said things they shouldn't have. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. Did Arizona Robbins lose her leg in real life? Greys Anatomy: Jessica Capshaws character, Arizona Robbins, had a mostly real prosthetic leg. Arizona yelled back that Callie didn't lose anything, while she did, alluding to her amputation and her miscarriage. Grandparents Wish You Were Here All of Me They say you have two legs, and you are only pretending that one is amputated. Arizona Robbins Arizona was shocked to learn Carina had never lost a mom, while Carina was shocked to learn Arizona had lost more than one. Arizona regularly treats patients under the table because she finds it hard to say no to parents of sick babies. However, after working with Arizona on a woman with quadruplets, he had a talk with April. Arizona then jokingly said goodbye to her glass of wine. While talking about the approach, Callie came in and Arizona introduced her to Lauren. The two watched movies and talked all night (though Arizona remembered none of it). She then flirtatiously said, in Polish, that once Arizona had her pierogi, she'd never want anyone else's. Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. Arizona's jealousy came to the forefront, and the two argued, with Callie concluding, "Tell me what you want and I'll do it." She ended up bringing her home and the two had sex. You should know Arizona Robbins died on December 1, 2006. On the night of the fundraising gala, Arizona Robbins and April Kepner bonded over drinks in the hospital storage closet. Arizona didn't seem to mind and let go of their agreement when she offered to have breakfast together, but Leah left as she wanted to show Arizona she was serious about being easy peasy. They were drinking wine while Arizona asked Callie if she was going to like being pregnant, and Callie said it's the best, aside from numerous disadvantages, like no drinking. Callie then went to Arizona's hotel room, and told her that she got that Arizona made one mistake. She told Leah a similar story to reach out to her. CurrentRobbins-Herman Center for Women's HealthFormerGrey Sloan Memorial HospitalSeattle Grace HospitalSeattle Grace Mercy West HospitalNamboze ClinicJohns Hopkins Hospital He then took a look at her left leg too and told her they needed her back in her department. While Callie was putting on her pantyhose, Arizona noted that Callie had her wedding ring back on. When Arizona gave her notice to Chief Bailey in anticipation of moving to New York, Bailey said when she had first met Arizona, she had thought Arizona was a pixie stick, an empty vessel, full of sugar, who skated in a hospital and didn't know then that it would be one of the great privileges of her life to know her and to work with her.[71].

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