In what ways is the decade's experience with modernity familiar and resonant today? Primary sources- Steamboat Willie Video, St. Louis Blues song & Lyrics, Pictures, Lesson Introduction (Hook/Access Prior Knowledge), Vocabulary (Content Language Development), Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities), It makes me think of all my left go 'round, Wasn't for powder and his store-bought hair, The man I love, wouldn't go nowhere, nowhere, I got the St. Louis blues just as blue as I can be, He's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea, Or else he wouldn't have gone so far from me. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, and Sydney. ", Access a collection of articles on a variety of topics from old magazines. Address the changes and developments in American society during the era of the Roaring 20s. The 1920s in America really did roar. Resource Includes 8 Primary Source Analysis Interactive Notebook Pages of Quotes and Images for students to analyze with guiding questions Wrap-up Questions in which students make comparisons to modern economy followed by the Great Depression. This site explores the changing role of women in American society following World War I by looking at documents and speeches related to the Suffrage movement. How could the excesses of prosperity be moderated? $59.95. Rare 2 Bedroom/2 bath condo with covered garage. The Only Way to Handle It What is being expressed in this quote by E. E. Free? The 1920's came roaring in with energy, but ended in horror with the crash of the stock market in 1929. Roaring Twenties. Provide each group with enough time at each station for students to: Match the documentto the reading and summarize the text on their individual Graphic Organizer. Prope. The End of the Jazz Age. Log in Join. 1920s . For "The Decade That Roared" nothing brings to mind the 1920's like the image of young women in cloche hats, pin curls, swinging pearls while dancing the "Charleston"., From the Digital Public Library of America, African American Women, Suffrage, Prohibition, and Civil Rights as seen in The Coloured American newsletter. Rewrite the writing prompt in your own words. They span the years 1919, when the nation was mired in postwar recession and unrest, to 1928, when undreamed-of prosperity seemed in the grasp of anyone with capital, energy, and gumption. PRIMARY SOURCES IN HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS, Collection of primary resources compatible with the Common Core State Standards, Made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and with the generous support of Barbara Asch and Jonathan Weiss. See volume 3 for primary source documents. Share buy-backs are the right response to both economic incentives and imbalances. In this interactive lesson, students examine three themes that were integral to the 1920s: technology and the economy, immigration and migration, and civil rights and civil liberties. Popular Culture of the 20s: A Primary Sources Analysis Ac9vity 1. Students must make inferences to prove that "art reflects the time in which it is created." (13pp. $5.89. Sound and Feel of the Twenties. They were known as the roaring 20s, but not because there were lions running around. The U.S. victory in World War I gave the country its first experience of being a global power. Maintained by Michael Barnes, a public school teacher, the 1920s section contains audio of the 1920 election and 1920s era music are featured. Although it is a little difficult to navigate, the site hosts a wealth of documents unavailable in other formats. It hit the airwaves in 1920. Popular Culture of the 20s: A Primary Sources 16 terms elenag333 The Dust Bowl - Guided Reading 27 terms elenag333 Black Blizzards - Guided Reading 27 terms elenag333 America: The Story of Us - Episode 8: Boom - 23 terms elenag333 Other sets by this creator Middle Adulthood (PSY 240) 29 terms Early Adulthood (PSY 240) 40 terms elenag333 A collection of primary source materials related to the Scopes "Monkey" Trial which includes original court testimony, newspaper articles, reactions from people in Dayton, political cartoons, and more. Du Bois asserted in 1926, "We have today in the United States, cheek by jowl, Prosperity and Depression."1. This Great Game A comprehensive history of baseball of a decade dominated by Babe Ruth, but full of the greats: Rogers Hornsby, Lou Gehrig, and Ty Cobb, to name a few. Place a copy of one Graphic Organizer and the related cut-outs at each station. The Great Gatsbys Roaring Twenties from Smithsonian Folkways A playlist based on the era of The Great Gatsby. Also search by subject for specific people and events, then scan the titles for those keywords or others such as memoirs, autobiography, report, or personal narratives. PRIMARY SOURCES IN HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS The Age Modernity Machine Prosperity Divisions Collection of primary resources compatible with the Common Core State Standards historical documents, literary texts, and works of art thematically organized with notes and discussion questions. Flappers The Library of Congress presents a series of articles chronicling the emergence of this new phenomenon. Students will be able to use the primary sources to make valid arguments to whether if the 18th Amendment was necessary or not. Newsreels from the British Pathe covering the 1920s, mostly, in England and Ireland. the individual? Why did he say that "probably all are correct to a certain degree"? How varied were the perspectives on "prosperity," its causes, and consequences? Dave Raymond covers the Roaring Twenties in Lesson 18 of his Modernity World History curriculum. Radial Ass Kicking: In the Battle of 1000 Heartless, Sora starts out surrounded by Heartless and proceeds to fight them all. Archive of documents, photos, and films which show the connection between the economic boom following World War I, policies which kept the government from interfering with business, and the rise of mass consumerism. A "chicken in every pot, and a car in every backyard." Nine collections of political cartoons and twenty-one collections of contemporary commentary provide unique overviews of the decade's most debated issues. The conflict, which ended just over a year before the new decade began, had a fundamental and irreversible effect on society, culture, and fashion. Radio in the 1920s The Geneva Historical Society reminds us that 1920 marked the emergence of commercial and old time radio. ", " assembles a wide array of Library of Congress source materials from the 1920s that document the widespread prosperity of the Coolidge years, the nation's transition to a mass consumer economy, and the role of government in this transition. The reasons for the rapid economic growth in the 1920s The USA. During this period, we saw tremendous technological advancements, including the use . The Candy That Grew Up The unlikely origin story of Oh Henry! Using Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER . To what extent did Republicans and Democrats acknowledge each others' viewpoints on prosperity? People in the US bought the same goods, listened to the same music. The collection is particularly strong in advertising and mass-marketing materials and will be of special interest to those seeking to understand economic and political forces at work in the 1920s. America in Class. Preview Resource Add a Copy of Resource to my Google Drive Type 4.6M views 9 years ago US History In which John Green teaches you about the United States in the 1920s. All readings have graphic organizers and vocabulary to help students along with their discussions. Discover 46,629,516 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States. What affirmations, recommendations, judgments, and warnings did they put forth? 3. How did each division reflect postwar adjustments and the "modern age"? Complete the questions on page 2. A student also recommended this page with a lot of Wyoming-specific history as well as useful facts for writing a research paper. With over a million readers, what does this magazine's success say about the 1920s? How did it happen? When each group has completed work at their fourth station, distribute Graphic Organizer 5, in which the students will draw conclusions from their work at the other stations. The material dates from the seventeenth century to the present day and covers innumerable topics. Through an analysis of primary sources such as pictures, art, and music, students become familiarized with the time and place of the 1920's, which will help them to connect their learning to the era throughout the unit. For many Americans, the 1920s was a decade of poverty. The 1920s was a period of rapid change and economic prosperity in the USA. "This book examines the history of U.S. drug policy chronologically, from the early 1900s through the current day. BI 2: Economic and political activity impacts who can access the American Dream. What popula1on of America do you think was the main audience of this magazine? Students must make inferences to prove that "art reflects the time in which it is created." ", ""Oral Histories of the American South" is a three-year project to select, digitize and make available 500 oral history interviews gathered by the Southern Oral History Program (SOHP). Go to MyCompassClassroom for streaming and subscription courses, support groups, and online community. Updated on March 25, 2020. Encourage students to keep the following questions . Writing Standards: 9. Compare the Twenties' boom-and-bust with similar economic cycles before and after the decade. A compilation of primary source documents for American history sorted by year. Identify and explain four characteristics of the Twenties that most differentiate the decade from the 1910s and the 1930s. Complete the cartoonist analysis chart to study the visual and symbolic aspects of the cartoons. Barclays CEO Jes Staley has compared the pent up demand currently in the global economy to the end of the 1918 flu pandemic and the subsequent "Roaring 20s.". What are benefits and downsides of snapshot views of a historical period? Headnotes and discussion questions guide study and analysis of the resources, reflecting Common Core Curriculum Standards for reading and writing. Groovin to Jazz More than a dozen jazz standards described and played by the greats themselves, courtesy of The Smithsonians National Museum of American History. On Black Monday, October 28, 1929, the Dow declined nearly 13 percent. As well, comic strips, advertisements, and periodicals which display the attitudes of men, women, traditionalists, and modernists allow students to see the impact women had on society during the Roaring Twenties. For Sale: 2 beds, 2 baths 1,024 sq. This collection offers contemporary commentary from businessmen and financial analysts, consumer and social activists, historians and a novelist, white and black leaders, and Democrats and Republicans, including the three Republican presidents of the decade, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. Studying 4 Major Issues of the Post-World War I and 1920s Era with Primary Sources Summary: In this lesson students will analyze primary source documents from the National Archives and political cartoons drawn by Clifford K. Berryman to learn about topics and major events in U.S. History from 1919 - 1930.

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