Despite the scale of the opposition from Labour MPs and campaigners, Harman continued to implement the cuts. TWT22 // Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally The right to expect that any government in power will work for peace and justice, and will not provoke international conflict or hostility or divert resources from essential purposes to build up the weapons of mass destruction. Promise to clean out the stables from top to bottom, no one is above the law we are truly all in it together and as Socialists we will never leave anyone behind. Following the 1997 General Election, 7% of Labour MPs were members of the Campaign Group. Claudia Webbe MP Off topic.. Not only do the PTB want to slowly poisonous all, but they are using falsehoods to do so: The following clips from a letter sent to Boris Johnson by two scientists regarding the Governments intention to fluoridate the water supply are self-explanatory: Further to our letter dated 5th September 2021, we have not yet received any acknowledgement of its receipt or any reply from your office despite it being sent by recorded delivery. Left Cosying up to Sir Keir | Labour Party Marxists The SCG MPs called for the party to unite behind the implementation of the EHRCs recommendations, and stressed the importance of the labour movement coming together to take the fight to the Tories in the face of the pandemic. Eleven Labour MPs and Jeremy Corbyn backed a Stop the War campaign . Get your popcorn in. Where do they stand on the dangerous, fake pandemic? The right to enjoy dignity, and a full life, in retirement in suitable accommodation, free from financial anxieties, with proper medical, and other, facilities, including personal care, necessary to make that possible. If you wish to receive more information, fill in the form below. To be fair the victims were remembered in Parliament at We all know what they must do, a new party and fuck this neoliberal shitshow Labour party. ", "CHILD BENEFIT FOR LONE PARENTS (Hansard, 10 December 1997)", "Where the Socialist Campaign Group should go next for a unified left", "A World to Win | Review | Books | Beyond New Labour", "John McDonnell withdraws from Labour leadership race in favour of Diane Abbott", "Diane Abbott makes it on to Labour leadership ballot", "Leadership MPs and MEPs | The Labour Party", "THE COLLINS REVIEW INTO LABOUR PARTY REFORM", "Corbyn sets up clash with Cameron over Europe", "Beckett: I was moron to nominate Corbyn", "Labour leadership: Jeremy Corbyn elected with huge mandate", "Did Jeremy Corbyn really give 122 speeches during the EU referendum campaign? In the days following the referendum a number of Corbyn's critics resigned from the Shadow Cabinet and the parliamentary party passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn by 172 votes against to 40 for. The right to a good home for all in which to live, bring up children and care for all dependents. Fake left remainers. (Follow MPs who are members here: London, England Joined April 2019 Tweets 2021 Twitter About Help Center Terms Privacy policy At that time the left on the NEC predicted that the new rule would rebound against democracy in the entire party including the soft left who voted for it. He campaigned on issues with wide popular support that had been outside of the political mainstream for many years, including rail re-nationalisation, free higher education, regional investment and a higher minimum wage. @socialistcam Tweets Socialist Campaign Group @socialistcam Occasional tweets from the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. Fair weather socialists (?) As we can all see thats been a rip-roaring success. "[16], Blair's strategist Peter Mandelson reportedly described wanting the parliamentary left to become a sealed tomb. . For 14 years Gaza has been under siege. Why would you follow AOC FGS? Paula Barker MP a fair report? An 'MPs Strategic Coordination Proposal' document, obtained by Skwawkbox, says that the group's budget to March of this year will be almost 32,000, with a first year of operations costing 133,000. Not in my book at least. Navendu Mishra MP Sam Gorst, Labour councillor for Liverpool's Cressington ward, was . All the rest capitulated to Starmer. Hes alright, too. Christine Blower JC supports us but so called Socialists are nowhere to be found. Howls of laughter ensue. Beth Winter MP, By clicking subscribe you confirm you have read and agree to our privacy policy. Then renaged coz Starmer threatened them. [19] Backbench Labour MPs, led by the Campaign Group, opposed these plans, speaking and voting against them in Parliament. [22], Campaign Group MP Alan Simpson launched Labour Against The War to coordinate parliamentary opposition to Tony Blair's decision to follow George W. Bush in invading Iraq. MPs using their training budget (Im not sure if thats from party funds or part of their parliamentary expenses) to fund this seems cheeky. Fantasy politics : A new party led by Howard Beckett(?) Spaffing money up the wall too late comrades that boat has sailed Starmer announced on Wednesday morning that he would not restore the party whip, however, due he said to Corbyns response to the Equality and Human Rights Commission report on Labour antisemitism. Labour MP for Streatham. The paper published articles by Campaign Group MPs alongside left wing Labour Party activists and trade unionists. Since then, three (3) more similarly robust US Government funded studies (Bashash, 2018, Green, 2019 and Till 2020) have been published. The defeat of Jeremy Corbyn has given the right inside and outside the Labour Party a mandate to press ahead with their campaign against the left. Open Letter To The Socialist Campaign Group May 14, 2021 by Chelley Ryan Dear Socialist Campaign Group, A few days ago I made the gut wrenching decision to resign my membership of the Labour Party after 11 years. Perhaps they could be allowed into a New Left Wing Democratic Socialist Party after a rigorous interview but hey guys its 39k! Why dont you rename your self as the liberal box? They are: Clive Lewis Dawn Butler Lloyd Russell Moyle Nadia Whittome Labour whip Nav Mishra Kim Johnson Rachel Maskell Rachel Hopkins Olivia Blake Shadow minister Sam Tarry Paul Sweeney MSP. They were trying to buy bolt-cutters to cut the fences at Greenham Common, but anytime they turned up at a shop anywhere near, they were denied the right to buy them. Yes, Starmers turning up to commemorate the 13 citizens murdered by the British Estalishment. Diane Abbott MP This decision and the division it causes severely undermines efforts to unite to defeat antisemitism and fully implement the EHRC recommendations and to challenge and defeat this disastrous Conservative government. Will wait & see. that is OK by me. Richard Burgon MP No one can speak on behalf of the whole group on that basis We are backbenchers and frontbenchers and believe in the power of insider and outsiderstrategies in the Labour Party and will have MPs pushing both within the group. After all there is already a report being prepared. The squawking one claims: Jon Trickett MP Exclusive: the 11 SCG MPs setting up a new 'new left' group Get the blasters out and dance workers, dance. Speaking as a grass-roots socialist and trade unionist : Socialist Labour MPs demand Ken Loach is immediately reinstated to the who set such a brilliant example of pretending to be one thing My pension was frozen in 2015. Cant see him here: [8], "From the day Kinnock became leader he made it clear that membership of the left wing Campaign Group of Labour MPs would be a bar to promotion within the PLP. Build bridges with Starmer, secure their careers as Labour MPs as the real left is driven out. The Socialist Campaign Group, also known as the Campaign Group, officially Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs is a left-wing , democratic socialist grouping of Labour Party Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. Everything changed in 2015. My grandfather was apprenticed to be a plumber before he joined the colours and went off to the Somme. But since joining the halls of power, she changed. Brilliant contribution my friend, cheers. Talk about fiddling while the party burns.. It quickly became clear that the 20% nomination threshold risked eliminating all candidates except Smith: "The '20 per cent' rule was introduced in 1989 specifically to exclude the Campaign Group the left from future leadership elections. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally - YouTube Who are the HNW donors who are funding this new socialist grouping. Blair ally Patricia Hewitt was alleged to have described the rebellion as a "conspiracy organised by the Socialist Campaign Group"[20]. The Socialist Campaign Group was founded in 1982 due to a disagreement within the Labour left, traditionally organised around the Tribune Group, about whom to back in the 1981 deputy leadership election. The UK is completely different so any such group in the UK would, just like the SCG, be largely a talking shop. For over four and a half years there was a sustained campaign of vilification and defamation alleging that the Labour Party was overrun by 'anti-Semitism'. Especially when they get paid 80k a year with a generous expense account and a good pension. John McDonnell MP The February 1988 edition of Campaign Group News included "The Aims and Objectives of the Labour Party" a statement agreed by the Campaign Group of Labour MPs and circulated "to provide a focus for political discussion and education within the party and to be the basis of our long-term political work". Ive warned about this for decades, ever since Blair let his idea out during the 9 [40], John Smith won the electoral college vote against Gould with 91% of the vote. [9] Socialist Campaign Group MPs made up a significant number of these including Tony Benn, who gave his full support to the campaign and spoke at the 200,000 strong anti-Poll Tax demonstration in Trafalgar Square,[11] and Jeremy Corbyn who appeared at Highbury Magistrates' Court in 1991 for not paying his poll tax bill of 481. Members of the Campaign Group have been the first to be at the forefront of mass campaigns on trade union rights, private equity, council housing, public services and against the war We consistently raise uncomfortable issues and support campaigns that no other parliamentarians will touch, on issues like asylum, deportations, international trade union and human rights, campaigns for those killed or injured at work, safety of vulnerable workers, including sex workers, cuts in legal aid and English for speakers of other languages funding. In the US, a relatively small group in the Senate/HoR can exert significant pressure, particularly when their party holds the presidency and has a tenuous hold on the two houses. After all the leader will be handing out front bench appointments for the rest of this Parliament! The Board of Deputies of British Jews president Marie van der Zyl welcomed Starmers withholding of the Labour whip from Corbyn and described the move as an appropriate leadership decision. All point in the same direction infant IQ loss (or increased ADHD symptoms) associated with fluoride exposure at the doses experienced in artificially fluoridated communities. However, three (3) of the five cited footnoted references [21, 23 & 24], claiming that the evidence does not support the US-funded Bashash 2017 and Green 2019 studies, were published before 2017 and thus it is absurd to use them to dismiss such important findings., Socialist Campaign Group (@socialistcam) November 4, 2020, Diane Abbott MP Socialist Campaign Group of MPs Splits. Allegedly. The Knights Who Say Kni? Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Sorry comrades to be so harsh but with the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis, Right Wing Tory Authoritarianism and War mongering we dont have the time for Left Wing Labour to turn things around or the Lefts CUSTERS LAST STAND! Talks a good game. [58] Analysis from academics at Loughborough University found that the BBC had excluded Labour voices during the campaign and instead covered the campaign as a Conservative Party civil war.[59][60]. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs has released a statement defending Ken Loach as a "fierce opponent of discrimination", urging the party to reinstate the filmmaker. worth while job than fining a few members of the govt when Rachel Hopkins MP Answer nothing. Which we duly did! "A caucus of 'eleven new left Labour MPs and an MSP' from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) of left-wing Labour MPs have agreed to set up a separate group with its own funding, priorities - and at least one staff member."The Skwawkbox Well, they seem to be anticipating some funding already, bank account? [36] The scale of this defeat was a surprise to Benn, in particular the decline in support from CLPs since the 1983 election, and strengthened Kinnock's position, which he used to take the party further towards centrism. But the strategy document also makes clear that the new group, which sees itself as modelled on The Squad of Democrat lawmakers in the US, sees itself trying to pressure Keir Starmer from off and on his front bench, in other words working alongside Starmer and trying to steer him, rather than resist or remove him, listing among its tactical approaches: Media interventions by backbenchers to push the Labour frontbench to take moreprogressive positions An insider strategy within Labour frontbench teams for left-wing MPs who are alsofrontbenchers. We stand with people all around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in defence of their inalienable rights. [2] The campaign quickly mobilised grassroots Labour members and activists to pressure MPs to nominate Corbyn, even if they disagreed with him, in order to ensure a proper debate about the future of the Labour Party. The SCG statement comes as Keir Starmer heard warnings at a meeting with Jewish community groups on Wednesday that the actions of leading figures on the left and within the trade union movement risked hindering his attempt to win back trust. "[18], Under Blair, the Labour government introduced plans to cut lone parent benefit, a measure which members of the Campaign Group believed would disproportionately harm women.

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