As Ive said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show. (Chaz Anon) The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or more commonly known as CERN, is making its return this week. Many in the West say that the Allies owed much to Heisenberg, for it is believed that he actually stalled and intentionally misled the Nazis, hoping the Allies would win the race to find the bomb. Lew Kowarski, one of Heisenbergs colleagues, claims that Heisenberg had inexplicably insisted that the original acronym CERN remain in effect. Learning more about basic physics to fill in gaps in knowledge and understand how some of these phenomena may work is part of CERNs mission, but that doesnt mean CERN is causing these things to happen. They immediately shut everything down. [viii]The Nataraja Dance of Shiva, Wikipedia, (accessed January 20, 2015). [xi] Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016 (Crane, MO: Defender, 2013) 138. Off Guided tours It's not squeezed, or squeezable, into an atom-sized box. CERN: Portals in the Sky and Other High Strangeness - Stranger Dimensions For other inquiries, Contact Us. Was Nimrod actually trying to unleash the locusts in defiance of Gods ultimate timing? Cynthia Sue Larson has been on the lookout since July 5, when CERN turned the worlds most powerful particle collider back on for a third time. The name means "horned one," and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing "stag's horns" upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. The LHC, a massive, 17-mile ring of superconducting magnets made up of a variety of structures, is located 100 meters underground. . At IMEC we are very interested in what could be causing this incredible phenomena. Gilgamesh claimed to be two-thirds god, which seemed impossible until today, when babies are born every day with three parents (a process where one parent is a woman who donates her enucleated ovum as carrier for the DNA of the other two parents). 7th Jul 2022, 14:31 Three new. Again, from Zenith 2016 we read: According to key Bible prophecies, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of the ancient spirit, Apollo. Some theorists suggest that a particle called the graviton is associated with gravity in the same way as the photon is associated with the electromagnetic force. This is why there have been some strange things taking place in Switzerland. Email us at or call 0207 782 4368. Isaiah 48:13 "Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together." The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to change the way it smashes particles together. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. Nimrod, deified as Apollo by the Greeks and Osiris by the Egyptians, is considered by many theologians to be the same spirit that will return to earth in the last days as the Antichrist. CERN is all set to restart the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on July 5th but it has also given rise to the rumors that the world is going to end on July 5th after people came across a fake news . "Everything is fine." Another user agrees that CERN are on schedule to rip open a portal in space-time, adding: "They began getting it ready when the planets aligned on June 24th." Other particle accelerators are also in the planning stages, though its unclear whether or not any will ever see the light of day. Jaw-dropping photos taken above CERN's Large Hadron Collider lead to The director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said: "The Large Hadron Collider at CERN could open a door to an extra dimension, and out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it". The particle was consistent with the Higgs boson, and in 2013 Franois Englert and Peter Higgs received the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery. Conspiracy theorists speculated that pictures of a storm over Switzerland were proof that the Large Hadron Collider had opened. If CMS or ATLAS were to find a Z- or W-like particle (the Z and W bosons being carriers of the electroweak force) with a mass 100 times larger for instance, this might suggest the presence of extra dimensions. Clouds Over Geneva Show CERN Opening a Portal to a New Dimension? Perhaps related to the strange activity in the skies above CERN is the incident of November 2009, when an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 allegedly vanished temporarily. "If yall dont know about cern its a demonic/Evil machine that opens up portals to other dimensions/Hell/other spiritual worlds(not Heaven/or bosom of Abraham)and it brings in demons wicked spirits/High Evil Principalities," reads the caption of the post. 20, No. They are looking for new information on how the universe works at a fundamental level. In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming. A surprising number of conspiracy theorists are concerned that the LHC might open a portal to another dimension and allow demons to run rampant over our world. Other theories accuse CERN of causing earthquakes by sending plasma from Switzerland to Italy at high speeds, opening portals into hell or other dimensions, and shifting the world into an alternate timeline. This is when the son of promise arrives on earthApollo incarnatea pagan savior born of a new breed of men sent down from heaven when heroes and gods are blended together. When is CERN being turned on? Dangers explored as July 5 Hadron Cernunnos controls the shadows, and he is a dying/rising god after the order of Osiris and Horus who was so elaborately summoned by CERN occultists during the June 1, 2016 Gotthard Rail Tunnel Opening Ceremony. According to this theory, scientists at CERN had accidentally produced some kind of time warp during one of the LHCs startups. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were . In the video, the topic of discussion is the European Council for Nuclear Research's (CERN) collider, which CERN will use to reach the depth of the earth and open the new dimension. The LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest particle collider and the largest single machine in the world. However, aside from the scientific breakthroughs at CERN, many believe theres more going on in Switzerland than a simple experiment in particle physics. It also seems fair to examine indigenous spiral petroglyphs (described elsewhere in this book) that very often feature horned humanoid figures in close proximity to a vortex. Subscribe to our Rumble Channel For all of our new videos! Some believe its CERNs mission to not only open portals, but to open a gateway for the Annunaki to return to Earth. Thus, a black hole serves as the entry portal and a white hole marks the exit portal. Such identifying of Apollo with despots and the spirit of Antichrist is consistent even in modern history. Switzerland tunnel: The oddest moments of the opening ceremony Others believe the LHC may in fact be an attempted portal to the underworld itself. WHY IS DEFENDER INVESTIGATIVE FILMS AND SKYWATCH TV RELEASING A MULTI-EPISODE DOCU-SERIES TITLED RESCUE US THIS SUMMER? Soon CERN will open a larger size portal or even open the portal all the way and those which have been trapped will be free. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt peoplefor five months is in their tails. Fact check: Scientists at CERN are not opening a 'portal to - USA TODAY Dimensions are the bread and butter of these experiments. Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? While CERN's proton beams do carry as much energy as a freight train, that energy is spread out around 15 miles (27 km) of the circular tubes that make up the Large Hadron Collider. Over the past few days alone, 3 stories have come out on the websites of The Wall Street Journal, International Business Times and Newser that show the operators of CERN have kicked damage control into high gear ahead of them opening a portal to other dimensions, seeking secrets of the universe or maybe opening the 'gates of hell'. In his foreword for the new book Starmus: 5 Years of Man in Space, Stephen Hawking warns that the Higgs boson particle (also called the "God" particle . FREE!!! 2019 West Coast Mandela Effect Conference in Ketchum, Idaho. (The true story of the Airbus, or Air Comet A333, may in fact be a little less extraordinary, depending on what you want to believe. The plane was then reported to reappear roughly 5,500 miles away at Tenerife North Airport on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. There is no evidence scientists at CERN are engaged in anything other than scientific-related activities.,,,,, Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. Cern restarts Large Hadron Collider with mission to make scientific In other words, the tried and true spacetime continuum that . Cern's Portal To Another Dimension & Other Unbelievable Facts Cern Admits It, Seeks "Contact" With Parallel Universes I have to keep reintroducing myself and validating my experience, and then I get insulted on TikTok because people say Im just a PR person, Nellist said. As Metro reported in January 2017, some bloggers online believe that CERNs experiments are in fact an attempt to build the kingdom of the antichrist, who will eventually step through the portal and rule our planet.. Is CERN Really Opening Portals? Legitimate scientists, quantum physicists, and theoretical physicists have hypothesized multiple universes, wormholes, teleportation, the idea that reality is a simulation, additional dimensions, and so-on and so forth. The Jura Mountains loom over the CERN campus like ancient judges who oversee the construction and implementation of the new Babylon Portal. These photos opened a pandoras box of conspiracy theories which claimed that the LHC had generated a portal above Geneva.. European Organization for Nuclear Research, July 5. The extraordinary images were of dark clouds filled with lightning, and a rainstorm underneath the skies above CERN. According to an Inquisitr article published in 2016, some believe CERNs Large Hadron Collider may have been the culprit of this mysterious turn of events, given that it had just begun circulating beams the previous year, and was preparing to do so again. CERN is a French acronym based on the name of the working committee that imagined the possibilities for a physics laboratory governed by another emerging body, the Common Market, which would eventually rise as the revived Roman Empire, the European Union. Off Universe of Particles Our permanent exhibition in the Globe is open and freely accessible from Monday to Saturday. What is my point? CERNlooking for God particle, or opening portals of hell? Fact check: Scientists at CERN are not opening a 'portal to hell' - MSN This method of searching for missing energy in events is also used to look for dark matter or supersymmetric particles. View our online Press Pack. As pointed out by Dr. Thomas Horn and Into the Multiverse host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, whenthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. In 2015, Yahoo News reported on footage of an alleged vortex forming over Geneva, what they referred to as a UFO gateway. In the footage, clouds swirl into a point, as if it were a black hole, and a number of small bright orbs can be seen entering it. The vortex then vanishes. Fri 6 Nov 2009 // 12:02 UTC. ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measurement at LHC. [iv]Girl Suicide Over Big Bang Fear, (accessed September 20, 2014). The goal on that last day at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, colliding at unprecedented energy levels, then smashing them together and finally detecting and analyzing the results of those collisions. On July 4th 2012, a packed CERN Auditorium watched the ATLAS and CMS collaborations present compelling evidence for the discovery of the Higgs boson, thus confirming the existence of the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, first predicted by theorists in the 1960s. "It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. ENOCH, THE WATCHERS, AND THE FORGOTTEN MISSION OF JESUS CHRISTPART 4: The Sin of the Watchers and the Apkallu, PART 3: THINGS COULD GET SO BAD BEFORE THE MYSTICAL HEBREW YEAR 5785 (THE FOCUS OF DR. THOMAS HORNS UPCOMING NEW BOOK WE ARE LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY [DUE THIS FALL] THAT YOU NEED TO PREPARE NOW: What Happens First. their hair like womens hair, andtheir teeth like lions teeth; they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings waslike the noise of many chariots withhorses rushing into battle. Apollo, or Apollyon, is listed in the book of Revelation as belonging to the king of the hybrid-fallen angel creatures that rise up from the pitAbysswhen it is unsealed. Just two years later, in 1954, the working committee disbanded, the formal organization commenced work, and the official name was changed to Organisation Europenn pour la Recherche Nuclaire(European Organization for Nuclear Research). In their research, psychologists Wilma Bainbridge and Deepasri Prasad asked volunteers to identify famous logos or characters based on their memories. The Large Hadron Collider: Inside CERN's atom smasher - Space [i] Lewis Page, Something May Come through Dimensional Doors at LHC, The Register, November 11, 2009, (accessed September 5, 2014). 666. As CERN themselves reported, On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERNs Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV.. Of course, to the Illuminati, the truly ignorant are the foolish Christians. Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. CERN is just as valid of a theory as any other at this point, though we cannot officially say for certain that it is the main contributing factor to the Mandela Effect. Larson separately told Motherboard that the earliest Mandela Effects were happening long before CERN's LHC fired up, so clearly the LHC is not the only factor to consider with the Mandela Effect.. The Multiverse, CERN, and Inter-dimensional Portals - Mysterious Universe He is Apollo, Cernunnos, Abaddon, Osiris, and Horus, and he is returning as king of the locusts (hybrid fallen angels) from the pit! Revelation 9:1-4 - "Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. According to the bizarre tale, all 170 passengers, along with the plane, spontaneously teleported 5,500 miles from Bolivia to the Canary Islands, where they were able to land safely, though confused. A small fridge magnet is enough to create an electromagnetic force greater than the gravitational pull exerted by planet Earth. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced events just like fireworks with particles flying out in all directions. Large Hadron Collider size The LHC is a behemoth. One option would be to find evidence of particles that can exist only if extra dimensions are real. Instead, they suggest that there might not be a universal explanation for why the Visual Mandela Effect occurs. People made these errors even when they reported having high familiarity with the logofor example, misremembering what Pikachu looks like even though they had seen many episodes of the Pokmon TV show. Scientists at the University of Chicago recently described it as an internet phenomenon describing shared and consistent false memories for specific icons in popular culture." The CERN topic has definitely been a major topic of discussion lately, the IMEC Board of Directors, which includes Larson, Jerry "Darkwolf" Hicks, Christopher Anatra ("The Quantum Businessman"), and Shane Robinson, who runs the website "Unbiased on the Fence," told Motherboard in an email. 'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. They were toldnot to harmthe grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not havethe seal of God on their foreheads. Many critics of the research being done under Switzerland consider this a cover up. They then asked participants to rate the confidence they had in whether their specific memory of that logo or character was correct. The images were taken as scientists began a new experiment called Awake to change the way particles are smashed together. Managing energy responsibly: CERN is awarded ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measur Civil-engineering work for the major upgrade E.G. The evidence: CERN has "666" in its logo and the collider's loop is 16.6 miles in circumference, which is apparently close enough to the devil's number to count. What is CERN doing? Bizarre clouds over Large Hadron Collider 'prove But Im a physicist talking about our research.. The accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, had undergone repairs and upgrades, and scientists plan to use it tocrash protons together andlearn more about the origins of the universe. According to establishment newspaper The Guardian, this was a hoax, and CERN itself launched an investigation to find out who was responsible. We have looked at a variety of possible causes including the CERN theory. They, too, looked a bit blank about the whole thing - it was put together by German director . 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. The name for the committee was the Conseil Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire(European Council for Nuclear Research). The current leading theory among a subset of true believers is that Mandela Effects are evidence of multiple timelines, universes, ripping of spacetime, or another physics phenomenon. Their research is fascinating, because it demonstrates that the Mandela Effect is realthat is, random people have a collective false memory of popular brands, logos, characters, etc. The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably. The math works. It should also be mentioned that at the time of the Roman occupation of the area, the predominant inhabitants were the Celts, which takes us back to Cernunnos. "However, In March 2016 I was hit with the Mandela Effect like a ton of bricks and have devoted thousands of hours of research and over 100 videos to this incredible phenomenon. By Carolyn Cox Sep 8th, 2014, 1:32 pm. The CERN headquarters are located in Geneva, close to the Swiss-French border. The project, dubbed the Future Circular Collider, would cost around $10 billion. The July 5th reactivation of the collider will be the most powerful yet and many believe that the purpose is to open a portal to another dimension and others believe it will cause power outages and earthquakes. Nellist said she tries to fight misconceptions about CERN on TikTok and has had some success. In 2016, a video appeared online that seemed to depict a ritual sacrifice on the CERN grounds, right in front of the statue of Shiva, the Hindu deity. Demonic Entities Escaping From CERN! - Dark Outpost Aug 19, 2016, 03:17 AM EDT. In fact, in the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo (repeat-coded on the Great Seal of the United States as the Masonic messiah who returns to rule the earth in a new Golden Age), is the same spiritverified by the same namethat will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order. "Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci . ", Joshua Ruderman, associate professor of physics at New York University, told USA TODAY in an email the collider is essentially "a particle creation machineand a particle discover machine.". In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle:on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces werelike human faces. Posts about CERN's supposed involvement in causing the Mandela Effect have ended up on far-right Telegram groups, while some speakers at the IMEC conference have posted videos on YouTube about the Mandela Effect, but also about COVID as a conspiracy, whether medical masks are a "sign of slavery," and "false flags. We are ignorant. The Shiva statue depicts the Hindu god in his nataraja position, a cosmic dance that destroys the old universe in favor of a new creation. [vii] CERNs official names and founding information come from the Wikipedia entry, available at (accessed January 12, 2015). Is CERN Opening a Portal to Hell? How the LHC Deals with Conspiracy and Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. As CERN themselves reported, "On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV." The particle was "consistent with the Higgs boson," and in 2013 Franois Englert and Peter Higgs received the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery. All of us have dealt with somehow in the Mandela Effect. Therefore, the Shiva dance illustrates the superposition of the enlightened over the backs and souls of the blind. While Larson and the International Mandela Effect Conference board of directors are open to the theory that CERN is responsible for some Mandela Effects, neither believes it can explain the entirety of the Mandela Effects they have experienced. "As gravity can effuse of our universe into the additional dimensions, such a model may be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.

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