He holds the Th.B (Westminster Seminary) and Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh). He has written over thirty books, including The Jesus Quest and The Paul Quest, both of which were selected as top Biblical studies works by Christianity Today. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call him Jesus. COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. What impresses me about Simeon is the powerful mingling of righteousness, Spirit-empowerment, and faith to take God at His Word. and lain in a manger as they were being inspected for blemishes that would disqualify them for sacrifice. All rights reserved. In the birth narratives about Jesus, we meet Simeon and Anna, who were also "waiting for consolation" (Luke 2:25). I mean not just a chuckle, but a hearty laugh. Simeon went to the temple and held the Christ Child, and Praised God and spoke of Jesus' future. Adding to what David said, Two important points, to say the least: 1. He waited for the consolation of Israel, the Messiah, the Lords Christ. 2 Ang pagpapatalang ito ay unang nangyari nang si Cirenio ay gobernador ng Siria. Which scripture acknowledges by saying Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. He was obident and honored them for another 18 yrs until the God given time had come and He revelled himself by changing the water into wine at the Cana wedding. Simeon meets the baby Jesus (Luke 2:21-32) - easyenglish.bible You and I, who live in the light of the second coming of Christ, have the same glorious word of assurance. Therefore, if you could see Simeon in the temple courtyard holding the baby Jesus with his eyes lifted to the vast sky of Jerusalem you would see a satisfied old man! What Simeon Saw: Lessons from a Satisified Old Man In the biblical Joseph narrative, when Joseph, having settled in Egypt, asks his brothers to bring Benjamin to him, he takes Simeon hostage to ensure that they return. If you ever want to read something that fills in the blanks an,d plays out like a movie, read MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD by SISTER MARY of AGREEDA. Simeon made a prophetic and powerful predictive statement about Jesus and the purpose of His life. Jesus is the one that they have been longing and looking for. . Do you follow Christ even when it proves costly? How old was Simeon when he saw Jesus in the temple? - Answers The telemarketer called and asked me if I had received my car keys in the mail last week. learn []. A tour to the pyramids of Giza will reveal some fascinating facts Anna was the prophetess who saw Jesus when he was presented in the temple by his parents. And nobodys recognizing John the Baptists testimony to knowing who Jesus wasfrom the womb! Have you bent your knee and turned to Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. He spoke an astounding prophecy about saving the world. was a very old man, and was waiting to see the messiah and die. Deuteronomy 19:15 stresses the importance of having two witnesses to validate an event. The flame of hope must have been fanned by the report spread abroad by the shepherds of the events at Bethlehem just forty days before. The Spirit gave Simeon divine revelationit was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lords Christ. The word translated revealed is actually a divine response. In the active tense the word means to transact business, to make an answer to those who seek advice. The use of the word in the passive bespeaks revelation made by God in response to the seeking of man. 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Simeon the priest was a very old man , could be in his late seventies. (Apparently) this was how new lambs were inspected for defects and kept unmarred for eventual sacrifice for forgiveness of sins. They had dedicated the baby Jesus according to the law of Moses, and they traveled to Jerusalem each year to celebrate Passover. Where in the Bible did Jesus ask Peter if he loved? Youre on the money. It is often assumed that Simeon was an old man, but the Bible never says that. 13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace (Luke 2:28, 29). In John 21, Jesus is asking Peter if he really loves Him. He was waiting for eschatological . MY SHOPPING CART. The Faith That Waits: Simeon's Story | Make it a Garden He would not die until he saw for himself the coming Messiah. He held him and knew that one day this baby would call people to choose between God and themselves. He saw the Savior before He died. We shall never be perfect while we are in the flesh, but the Lord has made provision for us to be blameless (verse 25), which means that our lives should be such that they bring glory to His name and show forth His praise to those amongst whom we are living. It seems that Luke wants to make this scene very personal for Simeon and Anna. In referring to Alfred Plummers Commentary on Luke, (along with your proposal that Lukes women were more positive examples of discipleship) you write, Yes, a messiah has arrived, as Simeon recognizes, but, as the prophetess Anna suggests, a new era, with a new and living voice of prophecy, has at the same time dawned. That is quite a leap as Luke offers only a one-line summation of her input after he quotes Simeon at length. This was Simeons one opportunity to see the Lords Christ. How old was Jesus when simeon and Anna saw him? God is testing us everyday and has given us the right to make our own choices. In addition, a gift of five shekels to the Temple was required as an acknowledgment of Gods claim over the firstborn male of the household; the child was thus redeemed from sacred duties to enter the secular life. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lords Messiah. He is called "devout." He was careful about his religious observances. Mary at the Cana wedding sensed, maybe with the Holy Spirits nudging, that perhaps this was the time for Jesus to reveall him self in a big way. Simeon appears to be a normal Jewish man. Simeon knows that God's target is not just Israel but all people. The Bible does not tell us his age, but one thing is very clear he was a very, very old man.But he was the man who recognized Jesus was the savior even with his dim eyes. Mary, for example, does not fully understand what Anna immediately recognizes. website? Simeon sang when he saw the infant Christ - and we still sing today. The Bible does not mention his age at all , but it does say he What a gift that God had given him! Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? We have an extra set here at our office. Rather, he paints a very human and realistic picture of Mary and Joseph as good parents, anxious, concerned, striving to be obedient and understanding, but not yet comprehending. Also see the reading below from verses 29-32 and verses 34-35. The article was first republished in Bible History Daily on February 12, 2013. Even better, Mary understood that she had indeed been greatly blessed, and that all generations would call [her] Blessed. Anna wasnt there to tell Mary something she didnt already know. 161162. Notice also that the Holy Spirit always leads to and glorifies the Lord Jesus - compare verse 27 with John 16:13-14. Simeon had an insight into dispensational truth, as verses 30-32 indicate. The Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost, and they enjoyed power. Barbara Simeon on LinkedIn: #customerexperience #sounddecisionmaking # Mary and Joseph bring Jesus into the temple to dedicate Him forty days after his birth. Simeon addressed Mary with the words, This child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel. This was an application of the prophecy of Isaiah that the Christ was to be a rock of offense, causing the fall of many in Israel (Isa. 34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed" (Luke 2:25-35 ESV). No wonder they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, (luke 2:17). Luke 2:25-35 Mary then announced to Elizabeth (and the world): The women are not only more receptive to the message, they are more willing to act upon it, with Elizabeth realizing that her cousin is carrying the messiah and praising God for this blessing and Anna spreading the good news. The prophet Anna was a widow who never left the temple after her In Davids time the yearly service of the highpriest priests was divided in 24 houses, each makng the service in the temple in Jerusalem for half a month. "Yeah, you know what I really don't need this job if you are going to make me do that." Read Understanding []. Waiting for Jesus: Lessons from Simeon and Anna As a sword would pierce his heart, so figuratively a sword of suffering would pierce Marys heart. Romans 11:33-34 and Isaiah 40:28. There was a lady named Anna that lived in Jerusalem also. While considering Dr. Witheringtons question, I would like to ask, How about Elizabeth, wife of Zachariah, whose response to Marys arrival plainly states that the Spirit revealed to her the identity of the unborn Messiah? Luke 1:41-43 reads, When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps she was part of some sort of order of widows (Luke tells us her husband died after only seven years of marriage) who had specific religious functions in the Temple. Instead of the adolecents response, Jesus said this time, my time has not yet come. Followed immediatly by changing the water into wine. Also, what she went through when almost stone, seems many want to believe Mary just forgot all that, As well as, all the towns people. Who Was Simeon at the Temple According to the Bible? Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: by Mark Vroegop. This is a stand that is very difficult for me to follow how one gets there, since Mary was told by Gabriel, John (to be the Baptist) at 6 mos responded, Elizabeth told her, again all the torment when she rtnd from Elizabeths, the shepards and the wise men the woman would have had to of had amnesia not to know. The glorious hope of the Saviours first advent powerfully influenced Simeons life, and the blessed hope of the Lords return should be a powerful incentive to us for holy living and sacrificial service - look up Titus 2:11-13. Simeon had long searched the Scriptures and prayed and waited for the coming of the Messiah in fulfillment of prophecy. Only after years of pondering the message in her heart does she become a true follower of Jesus. Museo Civico, Recanati, Italy/Scala/Art Resource, NY. Jesus real name , Yeshua, evolved over millennia in a case of transliteration. The Book of Luke records just two narratives about Jesus childhood: His dedication (Luke 2:21- 40) and His time at the temple when He was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-52). In fact, he is so satisfied that having held the Christ-child he is now ready to die! Here is the picture of a surrendered life - a life which recognises Jesus as the Lord, which takes the place of a bond-servant under His authority and which is completely submissive to His word. When Simeon saw Jesus he took Him in his arms and praised God. 3 Pilgrimage Paths from Galilee to Jerusalem, Dating the Oldest New Testament Christian Manuscripts, The Bethesda Pool, Site of One of Jesus Miracles. The text states that Simeon was eventually subdued by Manasseh, and imprisoned. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. 19 Feb, 2021 Simeon Sees Jesus. Alfred Plummer, in his classic commentary on Luke, suggested that the difference between Anna and Simeon provides a clue to Luke as a salvation historian, a chronicler of the mighty acts of God for his people through the ages. The neuter gender is used for the word salvation. The Spirit rested upon Moses, and his face shone like that of an angel. Simeon described the Child as a light to lighten the Gentiles. The Gentiles refers to the nations other than Israel. May God give us the kind of spiritual eyesight to see it and lives to live it! God could have prolonged his life anyway without a word. how old was simeon when he saw jesus. "Yeah, I know that you are going to kill me, but I won't recant on my belief in Christ.". In the Bible , Simeon was the old man who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. 30 The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Granted it is glorious and attractive, but it is not safe. Just ponder that for a moment with me: God appointed the future execution of son. Is there evidence outside of the Bible that proves he actually walked the earth? The Child was to be the shining light that would dawn in human hearts over the whole of the earth. Who were the models in Van Halen's finish what you started video? The older he grew the surer Simeon became that the birth of the Saviour was near. He is a godly man who is satisfied with a gospel that is a beautiful and costly treasure. The Holy Ghost was upon Simeon. This describes a special experience of anointing known to a noble company of Gods people in all ages. According to Matthew and Luke, however, Joseph was only legally his father. 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Out of their poverty, Joseph and Mary presented a pair of turtledoves and the price of redemption. How old was Simeon when he held Jesus? - chroniclesdengen.com Gospel account The episode is described in Luke 2:4152. I was really trying to politely end the call. We must make this observation, for in verse 29 there are three words which indicate this. Simeon gets very personal here with Mary telling her that she will suffer greatly by the suffering of her son. He has protected his servant Israel, keeping his merciful design in remembrance, according to the promise which he made to our forefathers, Abraham and his posterity for evermore.. Rather in 2.51 [his mother treasured all these things ] he stresses her retention of what she has not yet understood and her continuing search to understand.2. We are told this in verse 25, and it means that his life was honest and upright in the eyes of men. And God has graciously given us signs by which we may know that the second coming of His Son is very near. One of the themes of Jesus in the Synoptic tradition seems to be the emphasis that ones own family can become a stumbling block to their walk of faith. I really didn't care about $15,000 at that moment. Summary of Jesus life He was born to Joseph and Mary sometime between 6 bce and shortly before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4 bce. To have the kind of eyesight that Simeon had we need to see three things: 1) The treasure of a godly life, 2) The beauty of the gospel, and 3) The cost of following Christ. We know far more of Jesus through the New Testament revelation than Simeon ever could have known from the Old Testament prophecy, but do we embrace him in the arms of faith as the Lords Christ as Simeon did? He will, in fact, be rejected. Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the law, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, The small child that Simeon holds will be a light to the Gentiles. the angels (you will find the babe swaddled and laying in a manger.). Copyright 2023 College Park Church. Luke 2:21-40 tells how Simeon went to the Temple in Jerusalem where he met the Holy Family. He took Jesus in his arms, held him close and began to bless the Lord. In this way Luke both prepares for and signals one of his major themes in the Gospel of Luke and in Actsthe least, the last and the lost are becoming the most, the first and the found with Jesus coming. Simeon had been 40, then 50, then 60 years old. He did not know just when He would come, but as his hair whitened and his limbs became enfeebled, these were signs to him that the Lords coming was very near. Anna, also old in years, had been faithfully worshiping God through fasting and prayer in the temple for 84 years. Todos los derechos reservados,

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