More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Very typical questions. " | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your high school education" I played abroad at a social club instead. | I was asked this question too, "many questions about my family life" | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What is the controversy regarding abortion? More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Nothing stands out that I remember." | I was asked this question too, "talk about some recent news in science and medicine?" Discussion in 'Pre-Medical Allopathic [ MD ]' started by Who raised you? | Report Response More from this Member View ourSpeech-Language Pathology Information Session. NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTSThe New York Medical College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college. | I was asked this question too, "What made you decide to be a doctor?" | I was asked this question too, "The interview was very low stress. New York Medical College Physical Therapy, Public Health & Speech | I was asked this question too, "My interview felt like a conversation, so specific questions don't stand out. We had a infomal discussion about basic questions, like why you want to be a doctor and why this NYMC. First-year graduate student at New York Medical College studying Speech-Language Pathology. More from this Member | Report Response New York Medical College - Overall Rankings - US News Very well organized!" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me more about a specific summer activity you participated in." More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What do you think is the hardest thing about being a patient?" | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "So what do you want to know?" We talked about my research and clinical experiences. How do you deal with this?" More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "I wasn't really asked specific questions - I talked a little about my personal statement and my activities. M.S. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member New York Medical College - Best Medical Schools - US News | I was asked this question too, "Why did you choose your undergrad school? | Report Response The curriculum focuses on an integration of research and clinical application across academic and clinical coursework. | I was asked this question too, "So tell me about yourself." SLP Grad School Interview Questions and Answers. | I was asked this question too, "Describe a time when you faced some difficulty or challenge." Medical SLP Interview Questions - The Traveling Traveler | Report Response, "None" Did you like it?" | I was asked this question too, "How do I think HMO's will affect where I will be in 15 years?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What role does family play in your life/Do you have any siblings?" | I was asked this question too, "Would you go to Cornell if you got in there?" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your experience with HIV/AIDS in Asia." | I was asked this question too, "Any red flags I should know about?" | I was asked this question too, "the questions were pretty standard." | Report Response | Report Response Speech-Language Pathology - NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Pathology. | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What is the connection between your major and medicine?" | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your family. Basically the interviewer just went through my file and asked me to explain everything I did (volunteer work, etc.)" Any physicians in family?" More from this Member What have you learned from working for a year? " Our interdisciplinary team of anatomic and clinical pathologists, educators, and translational and basic scientists work to advance our knowledge of disease mechanisms, provide cutting-edge clinical diagnostic services, and educate the next generation of leaders in . More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why did you choose your undergrad?" very standard questions" in Speech-Language Pathology. | I was asked this question too, "Since it's a closed-file interview, my interviewer spent a lot of time asking me questions about where I was born, what my parents do, where i went to school etc. More from this Member My interviewer and I made sure she understood each of my activities." | I was asked this question too, "What other schools did you interview at?" More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response How do you see yourself helping people in 10 years?" Learn more about speech pathology programs in New York, including online SLP programs. ew." | I was asked this question too, "How would you go about calculating the number of gas stations in America?" Department of Pathology | NYU Langone Health | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What do you do for fun? | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member I interviewed with a physio faculty member, Professor Levine(? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your research" | I was asked this question too, "What part of our healthcare system do you think needs to be changed?" | I was asked this question too, "No ''interesting'' questions " | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Got into a discussion of ethical concerns regarding clinicians prescribing medications for patients and holding some financial interest in a pharmaceutical company. " The College also has a residence in Manhattan convenient to the New York City teaching hospitals. | Report Response Speech-Language Pathology & Pathologist: 38: Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other: 28: Environmental Health: 15: Biology & Biological Sciences, General: 14: $45,426. <p>Trusted is seeking an experienced allied health professional for this exciting travel assignment. | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "tell me something embarassing that happened to you and how you handled it." More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Have you ever done anything dumb?" A sixth semester is available for students who require additional time to complete clinical requirements. More from this Member | Report Response, "Be more welcoming to students who arrive early. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "mostly conversational but with "any red flags?" | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response RISING DEMAND In 1999, NYMC introduced its master's degree program in speech-language pathology, and in 2012, the program's faculty opened a low-cost, not-for-profit New York Medical College 25 | I was asked this question too, "Why did you go into medicine and what have you done to support it?" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your life chronologically" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your family/parents. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What's the difference between sympathy and empathy?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "How would your friends describe you?" | I was asked this question too, "pretty standard. " | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to go to our school?" New York Medical College Interview Feedback | Student Doctor Network | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response A course in child development/language development. Goal 1. | Report Response | Report Response, "Tendency toward 'band-aid' responses to problems instead of permanent solutions" degree is based on a broad set of educational objectives designed to prepare a physician to practice in the next century. (In reference to my experiences)" | I was asked this question too, "I was asked to pick a topic of concern in our society and to examine both sides of the issue." | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags in your application you'd like to talk about? More from this Member More from this Member They were all pretty standard." They were very basic involving my research I had already mentioned and my involvement in college." A confirmation e-mail may have helped. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, ""Tell me about yourself."" More from this Member The Department of Pathology at NYU Langone Health has been a pioneer in the field of pathology since its inception in the 1880s. | I was asked this question too, "Why would you travel this far for your medical education?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Any "Red Flags" on your application?" | I was asked this question too, "red flags (the interviewers have a basic set of questions they have to ask and are basically just going down the list and jotting things down in the beginning)" | I was asked this question too, "Why did you decide to do research as an undergraduate? " More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response This is a series of courses and experiential activities to prepare students to begin clinical activities in September. Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences - Lehman College | I was asked this question too, "Why New York Medical College?" | Report Response To be licensed as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in New York State you must: be of good moral . | I was asked this question too, "Please see most interesting and difficult question." More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "I wasn't really asked any questions." Online MS Program in Speech Pathology. | I was asked this question too, "What is the toughest thing that you feel patients must face?" Describe Research and Activities" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What is your favorite book?" | I was asked this question too, "none." | Report Response Speech Language Pathology Job: Speech Language Pathologist ($3K Sign On More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your volleyball club. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "All the questions were very standard. | I was asked this question too, "none. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Have you ever done anything dumb? | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "How would I get a patient to trust me" | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response Thank you all in advance! | I was asked this question too, "Have you heard from any other schools?" | Report Response More from this Member I've never been on a graduate school interview and I was wondering if anyone has advice. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your research (super in depth, and then asked me the conclusions / outcomes of it, and how it related to medicine)" | I was asked this question too, "What do your parents do?" More from this Member More from this Member Students will learn the concepts, theories, and findings pertaining to human communication in preparation for graduate study in speech-language pathology or audiology. | Report Response Prerequisite courses do not need to be completed in order to apply to the program; however, all prerequisite courses must be satisfactorily completed prior to starting the program. | I was asked this question too, "Any red flag?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "90% about my ECs. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "A few questions specific to my app." Demonstrate knowledge of biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, linguistic, and cultural bases of basic human . More from this Member It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. the interview was more like a conversation. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response basically went through the timeline of my jobs/research/extracurriculars through and since undergrad. " | I was asked this question too, "What is the difference between morals and ethics? The College traces its history to 1860 when it was founded in New York City. | I was asked this question too, "they just asked me about my life- and my medically related experiences" | I was asked this question too, "What did you do in high school?" More from this Member | Report Response Pretty standard, they didn't want us to give out specfics" See full non-discrimination statement with contact info. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member Prerequisite Program - Teachers College, Columbia University | I was asked this question too, "What is your name? I'm also waiting to hear back from Adelphi, Hofstra, CUNY Brooklyn, Teachers College and Touro. | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about how you fit into your family." Founded in 1860, New York Medical College (NYMC), one of the nation's largest private health sciences universities, is the leading academic biomedical research university between New York City and the state capital of Albany, NY. | I was asked this question too, "what was the dumbest thing you've ever done?" | Report Response How does NYMC relate to your future goals?" More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "when did you realize you wanted to do medicine?" SDN Ranking identifies how SDN members perceive the quality of a school relative to other schools of the same type (e.g., other Medical Schools, other Dental schools, etc.). More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags in your file?" More from this Member Do you? More from this Member More from this Member Most people had an interviewer who asked questions verbatim from a sheet of paper. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response You'll look better." | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response, "Great Job!" He also asked me "What is Proteomics."" The Master of Science (MS) program in Communication Disorders at Mercy College is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700. | I was asked this question too, "How did you hear about NYMC?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What did you do during your [first, second, third] year?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What is a current issue in the health care system today?" | Report Response, "it's a little ridiculous that we have to bring copies of our essays for the interviewers -- thats my" The faculty . | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "tell me about a memorable ambulance experience" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTSThe New York Medical College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college. More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Nothing." | I was asked this question too, "Nothing unusual - why medicine? | Report Response Just a 2023-2024 URM applicant wondering if my 3.5 science gpa & 3.45 complete gpa is enough for this in-state school. All applicants are required to apply online through CSDCAS. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member DO: Provide a condensed version of your clinical experience in the setting you are interviewing for. | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response Why not a school in Michigan (my home state)?" | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Since you are from the West and are active in outdorr athletics, how do you feel about moving to the East?" | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member New York University - Steinhardt. | I was asked this question too, "Tell me something funny about yourself" If your LizzyM Score is far below or above the average, you may not be a good fit. The courses. However, the most interesting question was: ''How would you integrate public health principles into a medical practice.''" | Report Response More from this Member Chair and Associate ProfessorBA, University of Nebraska, LincolnMS, University of Nebraska, LincolnPhD, University of Nebraska, LincolnCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Academic Program Director, Director of the Speech Perception Lab and Associate ProfessorBSc, Mangalore University, IndiaMA, Delhi University, IndiaMPhil, The Graduate Center of the City University of New YorkPhD, The Graduate Center of the City University of New YorkCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Clinical Program Director and Assistant ProfessorBA, Boston CollegeMS, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Assistant ProfessorBA, Marist CollegeMS, New York Medical CollegeSLP.D., Nova Southeastern UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Director of the Speech and Voice Physiology Lab and ProfessorBS, Bloomsburg State CollegeMS, Pennsylvania State UniversityPhD, University of WashingtonCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Assistant Professor and Clinical Educator, Boston Children's Health PhysiciansBS, New York UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Clinical Educator, Boston Children's Health PhysiciansBA, Rutgers UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Clinical Educator, Boston Children's Health Physicians and Coordinator, 1st Year Clinical ExperienceBS, State University of New York, BinghamtonMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationCertified Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities, Coordinator, 2nd Year Clinical ExperienceBA, St. John's UniversityMS, New York UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationCertified Teacher of Speech and Hearing Handicapped, Clinical Educator, Boston Children's Health Physicians and Adjunct Assistant ProfessorBA, St. John's UniversityMA, St. John's UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Albinus, Regina, MS, CCC-AClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBA, State University of New York, New PaltzMS, State University of New York, New PaltzCertificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Annette, Kathleen, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Children's Health PhysiciansBS, Mercy CollegeMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Cannici, Kristen, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBS, Montclair State UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Caputo, Monica, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBS, Fordham UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Devlin, Stephanie, MS, CCC-SLP, TSSLD-BEClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, Hofstra UniversityBA, Hofstra UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationTeacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities Bilingual Extension, DiMattia, Michelle, MA, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBA, College of the Holy CrossMA, University of MinnesotaCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Geskie, Jennifer, MABA, State University of New York, GeneseoMA, St. Joseph's CollegeProfessional Diploma, Educational Leadership, Manhattanville College, Halvax, Stephanie A., MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBS, State University of New York, GeneseoMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Johnson, Amy H., MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBS, Boston CollegeMS, Columbia UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Keltz, Andrew, MS, CCC-SLPAdjunct Assistant Professor BA, Northwestern UniversityMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, McGee, Erin, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBS, University of Massachusetts, AmherstMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, McMurdo, Erin A., MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-SClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBA, Loyola CollegeMS, Loyola CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationBoard Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders, Peters, Daniel F., MD, FACSAssociate Professor of Clinical Health ScienceAssociate Professor of Clinical Health Science, Physical TherapyBS, University of Notre DameMD, New York Medical CollegeFellow of the American College of Surgeons, Pipala, Christina M., MS, CCC-SLPAdjunct Assistant Professor BS, Ithaca CollegeMS, Ithaca CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Radhakrishnan, Sreedivya, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professor BS, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, IndiaMS, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, IndiaPhD, Kent State University, Restrepo, Claudia, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, Rosario University, ColumbiaMS, Mercy CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Rickard, Amy, MA, CCC-SLPAdjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBS, State University of New York, GeneseoMA, State University of New York, GeneseoCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Schaefer, Noreen, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBS, State University of New York, CortlandMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Stevens, Janet T., MA, CCC-SLP, TSSLDClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, State University of New York, AlbanyMA, Long Island University, CW PostCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationCertified Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities, Stoddard, Emily, MS, CCC-SLPAdjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, Brown UniversityMS, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Tahhan-Jackson, Hannah M., MS, CCC-SLP, TSSLD-BEAdjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, Manhattanville CollegeMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationCertified Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities Bilingual Extension, Tirella, Dana, MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBS, East Stroudsburg UniversityMS, New York Medical College, Tomaselli, Danielle N., MS, CCC-SLPClinical Educator, Westchester Medical CenterBS, State University of New York, CortlandMS, New York Medical CollegeCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Volin, Robert A., MA, PhD, CCC-SLPAssociate Professor Emeritus BA, Queens CollegeMA, City CollegePhD, City University of New York, Graduate CenterCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing Association, Vona, Lindsay, MA, CCC-SLP, TSSLDClinical Educator, Boston Childrens Health PhysiciansBA, State University of New York, BinghamtonMA, St. John's UniversityCertificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech Language & Hearing AssociationCertified Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities, BA, George Washington UniversityMA, University of ConnecticutPhD, University of Connecticut, Wikane, Elizabeth, MS, CCC-SLPAdjunct Assistant Professor. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response while in the orthopedists office?" | Report Response All states require that speech-language pathologists be licensed. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "what/who influenced your desire to go into medicine?" Additionally, the program supports unique initiatives that provide students with enhanced learning opportunities: Explore this site to learn more about us. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member in Biostatistics M.S. | Report Response It is a full-time program designed to be completed in five to six consecutive semesters starting with the fall term. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What is your role in your family?" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about research activities." | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response See theSpeech-Language Pathology Program Brochureor request information. | Report Response why medicine? The main campus, now located in Valhalla, New York in Westchester County, is the site of the College s basic science teaching, research labs, library, administrative offices and . | I was asked this question too, "I asked most of the questions! I really loved SUNY Plattsburgh too. | Report Response More from this Member He made this clear. | I was asked this question too, "Why medicine" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What clinical experience did you get as an undergrad?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "All the questions were expected and if you read the other interview questions for NYMC, you should be ok b/c since this is a close filed interview, you spend most of the time talking while the interviewer jots down notes." | Report Response | Report Response Apply for Speech Therapist - Urgent Position at Mission Regional Medical Center today! I was then advised to :)" The application cycle for Fall 2023 goes live July 14, 2022, and closes May 1, 2023. More from this Member

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