Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Section 40:48-2.13 - Removal, destruction of brush, weeds, debris, etc. Section 40:55D-45.4 - Modification of timing schedule, Section 40:55D-45.6 - Revision of general development plan, Section 40:55D-45.7 - Notification of completion, Section 40:55D-45.8 - Approval terminated upon completion, Section 40:55D-46 - Procedure for preliminary site plan approval, Section 40:55D-46.1 - Minor site plan; approval. Section 40:14A-8a - Sewerage authority may charge additional fees under certain circumstances. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 Section 40:41A-121 - Report, certificate, ESRI Shapefile. Section 40:55D-159 - Purchase by development transfer bank. Section 40:9B-4 - Counties or municipalities; annual appropriation for private centers. Section 40:55D-27 - Citizens advisory committee; environmental commission. Section 40:48-2.56 - Recreation trust fund, creation, use. New Jersey (Non-Civil Service/Title 40/NJ Chief's) Promotional Course Section 40:66A-11 - Rights of holders of temporary bonds. Section 40:55D-8.4 - Fee imposed on construction resulting in non-residential development; exemptions. Section 40:14A-35 - Liberal construction, independent authority; exceptions. Section 40:48G-1 - Definitions relative to surcharge on admission charges at certain major places of amusement; authorization, contents of ordinance. Section 40:48C-1.7 - Imposition of mass transit access parking tax. Section 40:55D-39.1 - Provision for permanent protection of certain land. Section 40:54D-19 - Dissolution of authority. Section 40:56-13.1 - Clean energy special assessment, financing through bonds. Edison promotes 40 police officers after relaxing testing policy Section 40:62-140 - Right of entry for inspection; penalty for obstructing inspectors, Section 40:62-141 - Liability for water rent; payment in advance, Section 40:62-142 - Water shut off for nonpayment of charges, Section 40:62-143 - Rebate for prompt payment; amount, Section 40:62-144 - Increase of capacity of plant; additional pipe lines, Section 40:62-145 - Contracts for additional supply of water, Section 40:62-146 - Supplying water to other municipalities; consent required, Section 40:62-147 - Supplying water to dwellers along line; rates; consent required, Section 40:62-148 - General powers to carry out objective. You're all set! Section 40:54D-25.1 - Transfer of assets, obligations, etc. Section 40:55D-38 - Contents of ordinance. Section 40:74-18 - Ordinances; adoption, submission to voters. TO ACCESS THE PROMOTION SCREEN From the Menu Bar, select New Transaction. Section 40:20-18 - Results of election; return and canvassing. Section 40:45A-1 - Date, time of annual organization, reorganization meeting. Section 40:48-2.57 - Municipal remediation ordinances, inapplicability to sites under DEP oversight. Section 40:43-66.54 - Study of fiscal aspects of proposed consolidation. Section 40:43-66.63 - Consolidation of municipalities; election of officers; date of consolidation; ward boundaries; election district boundaries, Section 40:43-66.64 - New corporate entity; adoption of ordinances by resolution; notice; publication; application of general laws of state, Section 40:43-66.65 - Succession in government, Section 40:43-66.66 - Cooperation of officers and employees of participating municipalities, Section 40:43-66.67 - Transfer of funds and property; tax levy for property subject to separate taxation, Section 40:43-66.68 - Officers and appointees of governing body of participating municipalities; termination of office, Section 40:43-66.70 - Debt obligations and bond issues, Section 40:43-66.71 - Permits, licenses and franchises, Section 40:43-66.72 - Succession in school districts, Section 40:43-66.73 - Principals, teachers and employees in public schools, Section 40:43-66.74 - Members of school boards of education, Section 40:43-66.75 - Officers and employees, Section 40:43-66.76 - Joint service program grant; application; limitations, Section 40:43-66.77 - Liberal construction of act; severability, Section 40:43-66.78 - Findings, declarations relative to consolidation of sparsely populated municipalities, Section 40:43-66.80 - Ordinance proposing municipality's consolidation; consent, Section 40:43-66.81 - Question of consolidation submitted to voters, Section 40:43-66.82 - Meeting with mayors; timetable of consolidation, Section 40:43-66.83 - Effects of consolidation, Section 40:43-66.84 - Tuition, transportation costs of students on federal property, Section 40:44-10 - Application to and governance of municipalities divided into wards, Section 40:44-11 - Division into wards by ward commissioners, Section 40:44-12 - Compensation of ward commissioners, assistance, Section 40:44-13 - Meetings; oath; division into wards or change in boundaries, Section 40:44-14 - Boundaries; requirements. Section 40:48H-2 - Municipalities permitted to impose tax on rental of motor vehicles; definitions. Section 40:14B-22.1 - Solid waste service charges. Section 40:52-11 - Operation of rooming, boarding house, license required, Section 40:52-12 - Application for license; fees. 40A:14-129 and -130, police promotions to "superior position [s]" within such police departments are restricted to officers who have served in those departments for at least three years. Section 40:55D-8.6 - Inapplicability of certain provisions of law imposing fee upon developer of certain non-residential property. Section 40:14B-23 - Municipal authorities. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. Section 40:62-13.1 - Rates, schedules established by municipal utility providing electricity. Section 40:45-20 - Continuation of provisions for run-off elections, Section 40:45-21 - Run-off elections; adoption or abandonment of provisions; submission by ordinance or petition to voters; vote necessary. Section 40:62-136 - Contracts in excess of $2,500; advertisement for bids; exceptions, Section 40:62-137 - Execution of contract, Section 40:62-138 - Control, regulation and protection of water supply system. Section 40:41A-122 - Notice of district boundaries; publication, Section 40:41A-123 - Adjustments in district boundaries following census, Section 40:41A-124 - Schedule of installation of optional plan adopted. The state will transition to a new science test for grade 5, which will measure the new NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards taking effect in Spring 2024. nys science 8th grade science test 274 results Sort: Relevance View: Practice Review 8th grade Physical Science Test (NYS) by Lesson Universe 4 $3.00 Word Document File Apply for the Job in . Section 40:48-2.12t - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipality. Section 40:11A-7 - Right of eminent domain, Section 40:11A-7.1 - Relocation or removal of public utility facilities. It bans state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies from establishing arrest and citation quotas or using the data when "evaluating the performance of a law enforcement officer, or as a. 27, 2021, 11:37 a.m. Section 40:55D-8.8 - Applicability of section. Section 40:33-13.5 - Amendment of regional library agreement; filing copy. Section 40:66A-25 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders. Section 40:55D-153 - Transmission of record of transfer; assessment; taxation. Title 40. As it stands in New Jersey, State Police supervisors at several levels meet and rank troopers eligible for promotion to middle management on a scale of 1 to 100, taking into consideration. Section 40:43-66.39 - Proposal for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission. Section 40:33-8.1 - Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids, Section 40:33-8.2 - Free county library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-9 - Appropriations for establishment and maintenance; amount, Section 40:33-10 - Borrowing money in anticipation of library taxes; tax notes, Section 40:33-11 - Tax revenue notes or bonds for delinquent taxes, Section 40:33-12 - County treasurer custodian of library funds; payment of bills, Section 40:33-13 - Participation by municipalities, Section 40:33-13a - Withdrawal from county system, Section 40:33-13b - Withdrawal from county library system, Section 40:33-13.1 - Contracts with other municipalities for additional library service, Section 40:33-13.2 - Use of money received under contract, Section 40:33-13.2a - Authority to acquire real property or other interest; maintaining facilities; bonds; ad valorem taxes, Section 40:33-13.2b - Agreements with respect to provision, leasing, use, operation or maintenance; payments on account, Section 40:33-13.2c - Employee of county library system formerly employee of municipal free public library; classified service, Section 40:33-13.2e - County library study commission; establishment; petition; members; chairman; reimbursement of expenses, Section 40:33-13.2f - County library commission; duties, Section 40:33-13.2g - Offices; expenses; payment; employees, consultants and clerical staff; report of findings and recommendations; referendum question on reorganization of system, Section 40:33-13.2h - Question of reorganization; form on ballot; publication of report; vote necessary, Section 40:33-13.2i - "Branch Development Option. Section 40:74-19 - Submission of amendments or repeals to voters by board of commissioners, Section 40:75-1 - Members of first commission; election and terms. Section 40:48H-7 - Bond proceeds, certain, exempt from taxation. Section 40:66A-5 - Incinerator, environmental services authority; powers to be vested in members; membership; reimbursement for expenses; election. Section 40:41A-145.1 - Election to fill vacancy on board of chosen freeholders; exception. Section 40:5-18 - Service charge for NSF checks; collection, Section 40:5-19 - Service charge on checks returned for insufficient funds; county imposition, fee, collection, Section 40:6A-1 - Costs of assignment of counsel or other related costs for defense of indigent person; notice; filing; duration of lien; service on defendant, Section 40:6A-3 - Remedies and collection of moneys due, Section 40:6A-4 - Compromise and settlement of claim, Section 40:7-1 - Liability of county or municipality; negligence of driver, Section 40:8-1 - Acquisition and use of lands for airports; lease to others. Section 40:56-1 - Local improvements; definition and enumeration, doing work as general improvement. Section 40:27-6.7 - Report of approval or disapproval to local authority; time limit; extension, Section 40:27-6.8 - Resolution vesting power to review and approve subdivisions and site plans with director, Section 40:27-6.9 - Appeal by aggrieved persons; hearing; decision, Section 40:27-6.10 - Filing copy of planning and zoning ordinances with boards; notice of proposed revision of ordinance, Section 40:27-6.11 - Application to board of adjustment involving land fronting county road, adjoins other county lands or is within 200 feet of municipal boundary; notice, Section 40:27-6.12 - Continuation of board's authority to review and approve land subdivision, Section 40:27-6.13 - Notice of hearing on granting variance or establishing or amending official municipal map; contents, Section 40:27-8 - Existing boards continued in conformity with this chapter, Section 40:28-1 - Lands and buildings for airport purposes; acquisition, Section 40:28-2 - Lease of airport to state, Section 40:28-3 - Power to construct, operate, lease and regulate airports, Section 40:28-4 - Bonds for airport purposes; maturity, Section 40:29-1 - Appropriation to assist federal government in building bulkheads, Section 40:29-10 - Beach protection; municipal co-operation, Section 40:29-11 - Approval of plans; county to control work, Section 40:32-2.1 - Acquisition and maintenance of lands and interests for park, recreation, welfare and hospital purposes, Section 40:32-2.2 - Resolution of board; title, Section 40:32-2.3 - Lands, buildings and structures, Section 40:32-2.4 - Budget; limitations on appropriation, Section 40:32-2.6 - Constabulary; establishment; members, Section 40:32-2.7 - Arrests without warrant, Section 40:32-6 - Acquisition and preservation of historical buildings and data, Section 40:32-7.6 - Counties not having park commission; acquisition of golf course and other recreational facilities, Section 40:32-7.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:32-7.9 - Supervision and control, Section 40:32-7.10 - Appropriation by board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:32-7.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:32-7.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:32-7.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:32-7.14 - Fines and penalties; disposition, Section 40:32-7.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational purposes, Section 40:32-7.17 - Power conferred as additional, Section 40:32-14 - Veterans' housing projects; acquisition and use, Section 40:32-16 - Operation and use of veterans' housing projects, Section 40:32-18 - Disposition of property when no longer needed for housing purposes, Section 40:32-19 - Appropriation for operating, Section 40:33-1 - County library; establishment, Section 40:33-3 - Petition for submission, Section 40:33-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:33-5 - Results canvassed and returned; vote required for adoption, Section 40:33-5.1 - Establishment by resolution in counties under 150,000. Section 40:56-88 - District management corporation; annual audit. nj title 40 police promotions - NJSACOP Section 40:10D-1 - Findings, declarations relative to protection of archaeological findings, sites. Section 40:43-66.56 - Filing of final report, recommendations. Section 40:69A-150 - Municipal elections; time. Section 40:14A-9 - Appropriations by local unit to sewerage authority; construction, financing and operation of sewage facilities by local unit, Section 40:14A-10 - Bonds; issuance authorized, Section 40:14A-11 - Resolution for issuance of bonds; ordinance; sale of bonds, Section 40:14A-12 - Funding or refunding bonds, Section 40:14A-13 - Interim certificates or bonds, Section 40:14A-14 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; objections, Section 40:14A-15 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:14A-16 - Provisions authorized in bond resolution, Section 40:14A-17 - Series of bonds; default; trustee for holders, Section 40:14A-19 - Liability on bonds; exemptions, Section 40:14A-20 - Real property; acquisition, Section 40:14A-21 - Interest on service charges; liens; enforcement, Section 40:14A-22 - Sale or lease of property by county or municipality to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-23 - Contracts for collection, treatment or disposal of sewage; powers of sewage authority, Section 40:14A-24 - Sewage and industrial wastes, Section 40:14A-25 - Connections with existing drains and pumping stations, Section 40:14A-26 - Connections with drains serving county and other property; service charges, Section 40:14A-27 - Mortgage or sale of property of authority; limitations; exemption, Section 40:14A-28 - Pollution prohibited; prevention of violations, Section 40:14A-29 - Construction of other disposal plants prohibited, Section 40:14A-30 - Investments in sewerage authority bonds authorized, Section 40:14A-31.1 - Eligibility for annual host municipality benefit; calculation, Section 40:14A-31.3 - Benefit constitutes personal obligation of authority, Section 40:14A-32 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:14A-33 - Depositary bonds required of banking institutions. Section 40:55D-138 - Findings, declarations relative to transfer of development rights by municipalities. Section 40:14B-22.5 - Credit toward certain fees provided by municipal authority. Section 40:33-13.2n - Rules, regulations. Section 40:14A-7 - Sewerage authority a public body corporate; powers. Published: Jun. Section 40:12-15.9 - Lands acquired by municipality held in trust. Section 40:48-2.16 - Monument, memorial to commemorate service of armed forces. A Promotion is defined as moving to a higher title as determined by the increase in experience or education needed to perform the job as outlined in the specification. Section 40:56-57 - Condemnation appeal; procedure; further appeal, Section 40:56-58 - Condemnation; ordinance and map; abandonment of improvement; payment of award into court, Section 40:56-59 - Copy of award recorded; title vested; right of entry, Section 40:56-61 - Incidental damages ascertained and certified; payment into court. Morning sessions are held from 9:30am - 1:30pm. State of New Jersey > Civil Service Commission > Job Seekers > Overview and Job Announcements > Public Safety Job Announcements > Law Enforcement . The Section 40:48-2.58 - Municipality prohibited from limiting, prohibiting display of U.S. flag, yellow ribbons, signs in support of troops. All Ranks! Section 40:55D-88.4 - Dismal Swamp Preservation Commission. Section 40:81-5.1 - Staggered terms for municipal council members under municipal manager form of government. Section 40:12-1.1 - Appointment of alternate members to local boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:12-2 - Additional commissioners in certain municipalities, Section 40:12-3 - Acquisition of property; costs estimated and determined, Section 40:12-4 - Acquisition of property; authorization; condemnation, Section 40:12-5 - Games and exhibitions; admission fee; no charge for children. Section 40:48-2 - Other necessary and proper ordinances, Section 40:48-2.1 - Opening and closing of beauty parlors; penalties, Section 40:48-2.2 - Beauty culture, what included in term, Section 40:48-2.3 - Unfit buildings in municipalities; exercise of police power authorized, Section 40:48-2.3a - Repair, demolition of damaged buildings, Section 40:48-2.5 - Repair, closing or demolition; ordinance; authorization for order of public officer; summary proceedings to demolish unsafe building, Section 40:48-2.5a - Building deemed unfit for human habitation, occupancy, use; repairing, demolition, Section 40:48-2.5b - Designation of "Emergency Demolition Fund", acceptance of funds therefor, Section 40:48-2.7 - Service of complaints and orders, Section 40:48-2.9 - Additional powers of public officer, Section 40:48-2.10 - Administration of ordinance, Section 40:48-2.11 - Supplemental nature of act, Section 40:48-2.12a - Authority of municipality to regulate buildings and structures and their use and occupancy. Applicants must have experience or education in automotive maintenance. Section 40:66A-9 - Local unit may appropriate moneys. Section 40:60-51.2 - Power to waive restrictions. $85.00. Title 40A. Section 40:62-107.7 - Customers of municipal water district, electronic billing, payment permitted. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Section 40:43-66.47 - Appointment of commissioner's representative. Section 40:37A-55.3 - Exercise of rights, powers or duties. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:48-2.12s - Ordinances to regulate care, maintenance, security and upkeep of certain residential communities. Section 40:55D-40.2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-40.3 - Site Improvement Advisory Board, Section 40:55D-40.4 - Submission of recommendations for Statewide site improvement standards for residential development, Section 40:55D-40.5 - Supersedure of site improvement standards, Section 40:55D-40.6 - Municipal zoning power not limited, Section 40:55D-40.7 - Construction of act, Section 40:55D-41 - Contents of site plan ordinance. Section 40:56-63 - Collection of assessments, Section 40:56-65 - Legislative findings; public policy, Section 40:56-67 - Pedestrian mall or special improvement district as local improvement, Section 40:56-68 - Findings necessary for adoption of ordinance, Section 40:56-69 - Ordinance; provisions; limitations, Section 40:56-70 - Resolution of governing body of municipality; feasibility study, Section 40:56-71 - Adoption of ordinances. Section 40:12-15.2 - Submission by county of proposition authorizing annual levy. New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40 (2019) - Justia Law Section 40:62-104.1 - Residency requirements for employees of municipality operating certain water system. Megan Alexander was honored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and given an award for her dedication to drunk driving enforcement for the year of 2022. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, There is a newer version Section 40:54D-21.1 - Entrance into a marketing partnership; qualified business, authority, Section 40:54D-22 - Applicability of "Local Public Contracts Law.". Section 40:52-1.1 - Proof of compliance with section 34:15-71 required; revocation of license for failure, Section 40:52-1.2 - Delinquent property taxes; revocation, suspension of license, Section 40:52-1.3 - Sales tax certificate required for licensing of certain vendors, Section 40:52-2 - License fees fixed; penalties, Section 40:52-4 - Licensing persons selling produce at public markets; fee for producers. Section 40:55D-12 - Notices of application, requirements. Police Chief, and Police Chief expired in 2020 and 2021 after their three-year duration. NJ State Troopers' Promotion Procedure - Should They Take a Test? [POLL]

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