Coimetrophobia is the overwhelming fear of cemeteries and can bring on negative physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and even a full-on panic attack. Not sure you should be looking for phobia names. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? What is the fear of losing everyone and not being able to do anything about it? Im afraid of it happening again and seeing in people in pain. Many are anxieties, obsessions and other disorders that have the symptoms of fears. Some different rare specific phobias include spectrophobia (the fear of mirrors), chiclephobia (the fear of chewing gum), and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (the fear of long words). Teratophobia Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. It is a type of anxiety disorder. They may be easy to address or they may be more complex, cant tell with the info you have provided. I have always had some generalized anxiety, but I have noticed that this particular act causes my hear to beat fast and loose my breath. Fear in a dangerous situation is normal. Yes. I have that too. Or an arm that is longer than the other. But he ' s not the only star with a major fear. Im not scared of razors but I can go numb and worse if Im getting hurt with it (not because of the pain but just the act). My husband helped me learn to cope with my Achluophobia when i was 23 and now it is much easier and i only need a nightlight when i am alone. As if your actions are not of your own doing and are done by malicious forces, That may not be a phobia. Celebrities with Phobias | Things Famous People Are Afraid Of - Ranker Let me ask you, do you want to have this label so you can put yourself under it and think that now that you have the label you are somewhat better off because others have recognized it or do you want to go to a professional and say I have this phobia, people help. I was really hoping to find real information about phobias like why do some people have them and others dont? Naming phobias in general are created by finding the Greek or Latin word for whatever the fear is and adding phobia on it and often they are very vague labels. it has left me with scars soooo severe and gory it would make you tremble in your pantyhose! What is fear of the unknown called? - ProfoundQa This is not every phobia, it is merely a list of phobias. That's really cool you were able to beat your fear of heights by skydiving! Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia Fear of blood. Ailurophobia Fear of cats. This video has been medically reviewed by Daniel B. You may have a heightened awareness of your body or body sensations that your mind puts meaning to. That is not what most mothers want to hear in these situations, but you know you cannot run his life, you know you cannot change the mind of a son who is trying very hard to distance himself from you. Ecclesiophobia Fear of church. Pharmacophobia Fear of taking medicine. I used to have these thoughts about germs in my teens, but way far in the background and they were not bad. Hoarding. Also does anybody know the name of a phobia of being left behind or being replaced? Cynophobia Fear of dogs or rabies. As is evident, celebrity phobias are far and wide ranging, and one thing is clear: even the rich and the famous are not spared of fears, anxieties and insecurities. You want to talk to someone to see if it makes sense or if there are better alternatives to try first. Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. What is the fear of getting dressef and going outside in the morning. Noticing pain is not the same as a fear and from your description I am not sure the two are connected, though there may be more to this than you have written. Is there a name for this, I dont know, i decided to coin a name for it because I also have it. I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. Phobia means fear and the possibility exists in any of us that anything can be feared. Is there a specific name for it? Ive tried searching it up but there doesnt seem to be a specific term. If there is a considerable amount, this may be more of a self esteem or self worth issue, especially since you have strong feelings of being shy. Sounds like youre and INFJ personality type. ), The only person you should be explaining this to is a therapist and they will not need a name. Finding out that plants have become sentient and attacked humanity, and knowing that no one will ever believe you. Bathophobia- Fear of depth. Psychophobia Fear of mind. is there anything that can describe this? While putting a label on fears can be interesting, what is of real value is knowing how to deal with the fear you have and taking the steps needed to overcome them. Block, MD. From . Is there any certain phobia of looking at faucets up close???? This actually applies to people with and without eisoptrophobia, with or without the mirror. This may be a phobia, but if it is personal questions, that may also be about yourself esteem, self worth or low self image. Carnophobia Fear of meat. I have a fear of whats behind doors, not the door itself. Equinophobia Fear of horses. I have been looking everywhere, plz help teehee. The Biebs has expressed his fear of sharks in a number of interviews. I am going to guess some persistent or big changes occurred around 13 for you. compos mentis means control of the mind. She simply declared, ", Apparently Adele's phobia of seagulls all started when she was 9 years old. What is the fear of celebrities called? With Halloween upon us we find out what puts the spooks up some of pop's biggest stars. Worst case scenario for a lepidopterophobe: Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia Fear of poison or being accidently poisoned. Now people can fear just about anything, because the mechanism for many fears is virtually the same, its just focused on different subject matter. What is the fear of putting your hand into a bag called? Cacophobia Fear of ugliness. Is there a name for this, not that I am aware of, though that doesnt mean a name for doesnt exist. Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. Dont Panic! So it all depends on how you categorize humanity. Vote up the weirdest celebrity phobias below and learn something new about these famous actors, singers, and personalities. Like fear of germs is usually OCD, fear of people is Social Anxiety. Now this may or may not be a phobia and it could be rooted (completely or partially) in something different (like being taken advantage of or controlled). Celebrities are adept at covering up their insecurities and fears. 25 Celebrities With Animal Phobias - Online Psychology Degree Guide Blennophobia Fear of slime. This fear drives people either to be successful or have failure in life. I saw there is a fear for not being able to catch things, but mine is the opposite. You will definitely want to work with someone who can assist you on this. Logophobia Fear of words. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. would your fear be because you are afraid something might sting/pinch/stab/etc. A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. Kristen Stewart, who is well-known for her roles in Twilight and Snow White and the Huntsman, possesses a fear of horses. Find someone to work with that can help you adjust your over attachment to others when you get in a relationship with them, to help with the black and white perspective you take. This may be more OCD oriented than just a phobia. Something phobia? I have a fear of closing my eyes so cant do eyelash extensions. your hand? I was TRAUMATIZED and started crying hysterically and screaming, and ended up hugging my knees sobbing on my bedroom floor. The only way to really know for sure, is to go to get a diagnosis by seeing a professional in person. Famous Men You'd Want To Have A Beer With, The 50+ Most Beautiful Influencers Of 2023. Just like layers of makeup cover up their age spots and wrinkles, a false bravado helps cover up their insecurities. Traumatophobia Fear of injury. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? I dont know why this is happening. Some are more common than others. Angelina Jolies famous ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, is reportedly afraid of antique furniture and cannot stand being in a room having one. Commenting, "It makes me so nervous. Its just a dream my sister must have been there or something. Unless this is something that just pops up every so often, I would check with a local health professional in your area and get this diagnosed, Is there a name for the fear of uncertainty. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. But he ask what Im doing or how are you or how was your day . If so that may not be a phobia. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. Macrophobia Fear of long waits. So recently this year ive been having anxiety over a few things. Sometimes fears are easy to overcome, sometimes they are more complex and if you are serious about helping yourself, you will take action instead of just worrying about it. Roberts also says that phobias fall under the umbrella of anxiety-related . Someone with agoraphobia is afraid of being trapped in a public place or a place like a bridge or a line at the bank. Linonophobia Fear of string. Fear of being forgotten / no one caring that your gone (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) Is there a fear of being watched while youre sleeping ? I have been trying for over a year to keep my phobia in check. If nothing else, Tamlyn A., youre not alone. The awareness levels are much higher than your processing capability, then you can have issues As you can see by looking at this list, almost any object or situation can become the source of fear. There were things that happened you had no control over and there is no point in looking back at what could have been done differently. Is there a phobia name for someone who has a fear of commitment? brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). what is the phobia of being gay and married to a FAGGOT!! Ricci has "botanophobia" which is the fear of indoor houseplants. Wonderful collection. Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. Demi confessed to having been stuck in 3 different elevators. Christina Ricci seems to have many fears and the fear of indoor houseplants is one of them. But if this is a real problem for her, then she should look to work with someone. Peanut butter oddly does not fall into my sticky category. But there are some truly ridiculous ones that actually do affect people, including some people you know. I hope this helps and I hope you find someone to work with you can help you process these interactions differently. Maybe there is a level of uncertainty it brings up, but thats just me and I dont have all the info I could never talk to them, not even DM them on Instagram without having a panic attack. Enetophobia Fear of pins. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. Jade told Digital Spy. Helminthophobia Fear of being infested with worms. Photophobia Fear of light. I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. Ophthalmophobia Fear of being stared at. Is there a phobia name for this not that I am aware of. If I am in the shower or pool its ok but if I touch something wet I freak out. Of course. I understand the desire may have to label their fears. He refuses to inhabit a room with furniture built before 1950, which we guess means he has to maintain an entourage of several qualified antique appraisers or carbon-dating specialists. Thank you. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. everytime i google it it get the fear of unknown people. Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. Or you're just a homophobe. This sometimes feels like internal chaos and you spend a lot of time in your thoughts and emotions. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill. Phobias lead to physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. So all it would take is a fall on any city street resulting in eye/gum contact for terminal eye gonorrhea to take hold. Because the nervous system can associate fears to anything (real or made up) it would not be possible to have all fears, because many are unique to a very small group of people. Persistent and Excessive Fear Persistent fear means the fear of storms does not come and go or depend on specific variables but is present every time you are aware of a storm or the possibility of a storm heading towards you. Gynephobia or Gynophobia Fear of women. Androphobia Fear of men. Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia Fear of dirt or contamination. Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquists dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues The thing is that dream was sort of true- my mom and dad split up a year ago and I remember them shouting and my dad crying and I was in my room really freaked out saying rally quietly Its just a dream. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. She thinks if she doesnt do so then something bad will happen. Christina Ricci is deathly fearful of being alone in a swimming pool as she believes that a door would open up in its floor and swallow her alive. Call866-718-9995. If you have a fear and it consistently occurs, you want to see someone about it. I do not know what the phobia name for this is. List of Phobias: Common Phobias From A to Z. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. It doesnt make them strange or unique and there isnt always are real good reason for the fear. The agora was a market and meeting place in ancient Greece. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving fear of a situation or object. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. Trying to battle these thoughts or fears by force or anyother method may work for a while, but eventually you will have to try something different. Pediophobia Fear of dolls. The real issue though is what do you do about it. I suspect there are some deeper underlining reasons to your fears that are not going to disappear until you find the ability to talk to a counselor. Without further information it is hard to give you a good answer. do. Guess who will be laughing last when our bones are picked clean by voracious butterfly proboscises? I am not going to label these physical reactions, nor are there easy suggestions to make for all you experience. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked. Dylan, I am not familiar with what this would be called. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Go on, it'll totes impress your friends. So if my husband is across the room and asks me to throw him the remote control, I have a panic physical reaction. Hamartophobia Fear of sinning. Not failure. Lilapsophobia Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. Deipnophobia Fear of dining or dinner conversations. please tell me something about trypophobia. Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles Im afraid of getting picked up and carried like a 4 year old. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. Check out the Myers Briggs test. On the contrary, if Im the one with the problem Ill wont say anything to a person for months at a time and it gets me super depressed because nothing changes. Is there a fear of what you cant see, I get extremely paranoid when someone points out something that I cant see or a dark corner in a room and even the ocean. Knowing the names of phobias can be helpful and fun, but living with phobias can be extremely painful. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! I have a huge fear of offending people or emotionally disturbing anyone even in the slightest. Keep in mind that my room is pretty dirty like school papers all over my room and this was the most dirtiest and revolting Stan I ever thought Ive seen in my life and I still think that. If not, youd probably say to make one using greek roots and what-not but I dont want to say a word and it not be scientifically correct. It definitely was more prominent in my childhood, but even as an adult sometimes I feel/experience/hear light tapping and I have to literally shudder and let out some kind of noise to shake myself out of it. Liz, dont get hung up on finding a name for your fear, since the mind can create fears for almost anything. Microbiophobia Fear of microbes. Another fear is when I open a door or put on a shirt I am scared I will see a different place or walk into an alternate dimension(apocalypse). Charli D'Amelio Wants to Slime Boyfriend Landon Barker at 2023 Kids If you area unwilling to talk to a therapist, that limits your choices, even if your reasons seem good. I just cant breathe without it. List of Phobias: How Many Are There? - Healthline Not enough information. Who knows what could lurk beneath? Ouranophobia Fear of heaven. Does anyone know the name of the fear of cremated ashes blowing your way or getting on you? You might start by just thinking about your phobia trigger and then move slowly toward looking at images of the object and finally being near the object in real life. The mechanism of fear can encompass any item, subject matter or idea. While there may be a name for it, I am not familiar with it. Mysophobia is a fear of germs. Oenophobia- Fear of wines. Scelerophibia Fear of bad men, burglars. It includes anything or anyone that's unfamiliar or unknown. Ive been searching through it over the net, but I cant find one. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666. The condition is called trypophobia. Peccatophobia Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. A Fear of Mirrors Is Known As Catoptrophobia, Movies That Will Trigger Your Claustrophobia, Upvote the strangest phobias that scare the living daylights out of these incredibly famous people, Christina Ricci Has a Fear of Indoor Plants, Christina Ricci Is Back In The Spotlight - But She Never Really Went Away, American Public Figures Who Are National Treasures, The Greatest Actresses Who Have Never Won an Oscar (for Acting), Actors Who Refused To Return For Sequels - And How The Movies Handled It, Alfred Hitchcock's Scariest Characters, Ranked, Inside Oprah And Gayle's Hilarious Episode of 'Colonial House', The Best TV Actors And Actresses Of All Time, The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History, Actors Who Somehow Looked Older In The '90s Than They Do Now. What is the name of this phobia? The worldwide speculation over whether Kylie Jenner and Hailey Bieber dissed Selena Gomez's eyebrows has proven yet again that celebrity feuds can be sparked by the most bizarre of reasons. A job as a janitor at a middle school. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia Fear of body smells. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. If you are looking to stop your fears and overcome your phobias once and for all; Designed Thinking can help change the ways your fears are process. The mind can have a fear of almost anything, real or made up. Your way of connecting with people is not wrong but it does have consequences. More than a dozen different phobias can create a debilitating state for thosewith diagnosed conditions. What will help is finding a therapist that can help you work through this. We risk being the first people in history to have been able to make their illusions so vivid, so persuasive, so realistic that we can . However, I would question if for you this is a fear or is it more of guilt or shame and can you tell these apart. Um I might have arachnophobia? The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. Is there a fear of having a piano in your home the person likes music and listen all the time also doesnt mind being in a house of someone else who has a piano in their house also doesnt mind going out and listening to one play. Peladophobia Fear of bald people.. I have to have the tags cut off everything. Like Undertale not being real, or waking up from a dream and knowing it wasnt real. Top 10 Famous People with Agoraphobia - Listverse While phobias can be distressing and create disruptions in your life, they are treatable. Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia. 2013;12(2):92-8. doi:10.1002/wps.20050. Congratulations, you're the proud owner of chromophobia, the fear of bright colors.

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