When a consignment is undeliverable, the consignment shall be placed in a safe location and the appropriate competent authority shall be informed as soon as possible and a request made for instructions on further action. d. All inner packagings placed inside bulk outer packagings must be blocked and braced to prevent shifting during transportation that could cause the container to open or fall over. Outage must be at least 5 percent at 98 C (208 F). (4) IB Codes and IP Codes. If not impact resistant, the outer packaging should not be used as the sole means of protecting the battery terminals from damage or short circuiting. TP45 Each portable tank must be made of stainless steel, except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in accordance with the provisions of 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. b. Lithium batteries conforming to paragraph a. of this special provision must be assigned to UN Nos. A bulk packaging containing sulfur is not subject to the placarding requirements of subpart F of this part, if it is marked with the appropriate identification number as required by subpart D of this part. or existing codification. N34 Aluminum construction materials are not authorized for any part of a packaging which is normally in contact with the hazardous material. This entry may not be used for solids containing a Packing Group I liquid. If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, then the shipping paper must indicate both UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment and UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment.. Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Daniels Training Services. will also bring you to search results. 332 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. W8 Vessel stowage category for pyrophoric thorium metal or pyrophoric uranium metal is D as defined in 172.101(k)(4). Mixtures containing at least 98%, by mass, of phlegmatizer are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. Each reference in this column to a material which is a hazardous waste or a hazardous substance, and whose proper shipping name is preceded in Column 1 of the Table by the letter "A" or "W", is modified to include " 173.203" or " 173.213", as appropriate for liquids and solids, respectively, on those occasions when the . a. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. For continued use of approvals dated prior to January 1, 2012, see 173.308(b)(5). In addition, the column 5 reference is modified to read III on those occasions when this material is offered for transportation or transported by highway or rail. Thickness of stainless steel for tank shell and heads for cargo tanks and portable tanks must be the greater of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the thickness required for a tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.3 times the vapor pressure of the lading at 46 C (115 F). No more than four bottles, securely closed with threaded caps, may be packed in each box. It must be demonstrated that the article relieves its pressure by means of a fire degradable seal or other pressure relief device, in such a way that the pressure receptacle will not fragment and that the article or fragments of the article do not rocket more than 10 meters; and. A5 Solids having an inhalation toxicity of Packing Group I are not permitted on passenger aircraft and may not exceed a maximum net quantity per package of 15 kg (33 pounds) on cargo aircraft. c. The equipment, and machinery or apparatus articles conforms with 173.222 of this subchapter. Molten sulfur must be marked as required by 172.325 of this subchapter. c. Completed neutron radiation detection systems containing detectors meeting the conditions of paragraph a of this special provision must be transported as follows: (1) The detectors must be contained in a strong sealed outer casing; (2) The casing must contain include sufficient absorbent or adsorbent material to absorb or adsorb the entire gas contents; (3) The completed system must be packed in strong outer packagings capable of withstanding a 1.8 meter (5.9 feet) drop test without leakage unless a system's outer casing affords equivalent protection. 16 This description applies to smokeless powder and other solid propellants that are used as powder for small arms and have been classed as Division 1.3C, 1.4C and Division 4.1 in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. Batteries must be securely cushioned and packed to prevent shifting which could loosen terminal caps or reorient the terminals to produce short circuits. Interpretation Response | PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Determining Authorized Packaging for the Transportation of a Hazardous They must be classified in accordance with the procedure as set out in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, section 39 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). 125 Lactose or glucose or similar materials may be used as a phlegmatizer provided that the substance contains not less than 90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. In addition to the provisions applicable to the transport of Division 6.1 substances, the provisions of 173.421(c) and 173.443(a) of this subchapter apply. g. The test results shall be documented, shall be traceable, and shall be made available to a representative of the Department upon request. Packagings of other material constructed with a small amount of metal must be designed such that the hazardous material does not contact the metal. Date of the visual inspection must be stenciled on the tank near the other required markings. full text search results N87 The use of copper valves on UN pressure receptacles is prohibited. N88 Any metal part of a UN pressure receptacle in contact with the contents may not contain more than 65% copper, with a tolerance of 1%. 349 Mixtures of hypochlorite with an ammonium salt are forbidden for transport. c. The motor carrier must maintain a satisfactory safety rating as prescribed in 49 CFR part 385. N77 For materials of not more than two percent active ingredients by weight, packagings need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter, if liquid contents are absorbed in an inert material. (b) Description of codes for special provisions. This provision may be used for both domestic and international shipments. Where the quantity of hazardous materials contained as an integral element in machinery or apparatus exceeds the limits permitted by 173.222(c)(2), and the hazardous materials meet the provisions of 173.222(c), the machinery or apparatus may be transported by aircraft only with the prior approval of the Associate Administrator. The manufacturer must provide such information to a representative of the Department upon request. Pressing enter in the search box In addition, the material also must be covered with an inert gas or the container must be filled with water to the tank's capacity. The article, machinery, or apparatus, if unpackaged, or the packaging in which it is contained shall be marked Dangerous goods in articles or Dangerous goods in machinery or Dangerous goods in apparatus as appropriate, with the identification number UN3363. B47 Each tank may have a reclosing pressure relief device having a start-to-discharge pressure setting of 310 kPa (45 psig). B78 Tank cars must have a test pressure of 4.14 Bar (60 psig) or greater and conform to Class 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 114 or 120. (h) Column 7: Special provisions. The objects must be secured to the flat car, motor vehicle, intermodal container, or unitized by steel banding to wooden runners or pallets and the units secured to the flat car, motor vehicle, or freight container to prevent shifting, including relative motion between the objects, under conditions normally incident to transportation. Sealed packets and articles containing less than 10 mL of a Class 3 liquid in Packing Group II or III absorbed onto a solid material are not subject to this subchapter provided there is no free liquid in the packet or article. If a tank car tank is equipped with a reclosing pressure relief valve, the tank must also be equipped with a vacuum relief valve. The lithium batteries must meet the requirements of 173.185(a) and contain the necessary systems to prevent overcharge and over discharge between the batteries. In addition, a lighter design intended to contain a non-pressurized Class 3 material is excepted from the examination and testing criteria specified in 173.308(b)(3). 171 This entry may only be used when the material is transported in non-friable tablet form or for granular or powered mixtures that have been shown to meet the PG III criteria in 173.127. A210 This substance is forbidden for transport by air. Different Types of Solder- All Common Classifications 52 This entry may only be used for substances that are too insensitive for acceptance into Class 1 (explosive) when tested in accordance with Test Series 2 in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I (incorporated by reference; see 171.7 of this subchapter). N86 UN pressure receptacles made of aluminum alloy are not authorized. TP5 For a portable tank used for the transport of flammable refrigerated liquefied gases or refrigerated liquefied oxygen, the maximum rate at which the portable tank may be filled must not exceed the liquid flow capacity of the primary pressure relief system rated at a pressure not exceeding 120 percent of the portable tank's design pressure. B27 Tanks must have a service pressure of 1,034 kPa (150 psig). Retain a copy of each notification of pilot-in-command if requested for up to 30 days Which one of the following hazardous materials is NOT excepted from the quantity limitations in 175.75? Each N74 Packages consisting of tightly closed inner containers of glass, earthenware, metal or polyethylene, capacity not over 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) securely cushioned and packed in outer wooden barrels or wooden or fiberboard boxes, not over 15 kg (33 pounds) net weight, are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. 343 A bulk packaging that emits hydrogen sulfide in sufficient concentration that vapors evolved from the sour crude oil can present an inhalation hazard must be marked as specified in 172.327. 44 The formulation must be prepared so that it remains homogenous and does not separate during transport. Do not enter until vapors have dissipated. The driver of the transport vehicle and the consignee(s) must be trained not to enter the transport vehicle until the ammonia vapors have dissipated, and the emergency response information on the shipping paper must indicate that the vehicle contains ammonia vapors. Further, the limitations and/or additional requirements found in the special provisions of column 7 will supersede the packaging authorizations of column 8 of the Hazardous Materials Table. Packagings must be so constructed that explosion is not possible by reason of increased internal pressure. It is shown that it does not pose a significant risk in transportation; b. The present arrangement occurs in such a way that one QA molecule is hydrogen-bonded to four neighboring molecules: two different molecules in one column and other two molecules in another column. Symbol Meaning Which is the correct column for hazardous materials? Net weight of contents may not exceed 15 kg (33 pounds). A14 This material is not authorized to be transported as a limited quantity or consumer commodity in accordance with 173.306 of this subchapter when transported aboard an aircraft. A30 Ammonium permanganate is not authorized for transportation on aircraft. The batteries must be securely attached to the interior structure of the cargo transport unit (e.g., by means of placement in racks, cabinets, etc.) Except as provided in 173.185(c)(3) of this subchapter, the package must be marked UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment, or UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment, as appropriate. However, button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards) need not be considered; and, c. The shipping paper must indicate UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment or UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment, as appropriate. The quantities of hazardous materials do not exceed those specified in 173.4a of this subchapter; and. B28 Packagings must be made of stainless steel. These requirements must be met in addition to the design and construction specifications in part 178 of this subchapter. 430 This entry shall only be used for solid medical waste of Category A transported for disposal. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow ; and. For Federal Register citations affecting 172.102, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. IBCs must have a device to allow venting. B70 If DOT 103ANW tank car tank is used: All cast metal in contact with the lading must have 96.7 percent nickel content; and the lading must be anhydrous and free from any impurities. N11 This material is excepted for the specification packaging requirements of this subchapter if the material is packaged in strong, tight non-bulk packaging meeting the requirements of subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter. Examples of such vehicles are electrically-powered cars, motorcycles, scooters, three- and four-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, trucks, locomotives, bicycles (pedal cycles with an electric motor) and other vehicles of this type (e.g., self-balancing vehicles or vehicles not equipped with at least one seating position), lawn tractors, self-propelled farming and construction equipment, boats, aircraft, wheelchairs and other mobility aids. N92 Notwithstanding the provisions of 173.24(g) of this subchapter, packagings shall be designed and constructed to permit the release of gas or vapor to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packagings in the event of loss of stabilization. 35 Antimony sulphides and oxides which do not contain more than 0.5 percent of arsenic calculated on the total mass do not meet the definition of Division 6.1. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. (d) Used or spent battery exception. The battery has been tested as a primary lithium battery; and. 200 Division 1.4G consumer fireworks may be certified for transportation by a DOT-approved Fireworks Certification Agency in accordance with the provisions of 173.65 of this subchapter. TP13 Self-contained breathing apparatus must be provided when this hazardous material is transported by sea. Examples of such vehicles are cars, motorcycles, trucks, locomotives, scooters, three- and four-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, lawn tractors, self-propelled farming and construction equipment, boats, and aircraft. Dry batteries specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table must be transported in accordance with the requirements applicable to that entry. A189 Except where the defining criteria of another class or division are met, concentrations of formaldehyde solution: a. PDF Hazard Classifications Used in Hazmat Table, Column 3 Ammonia solutions may be transported in rigid or composite plastic IBCs (31H1, 31H2 and 31HZ1) that have successfully passed, without leakage or permanent deformation, the hydrostatic test specified in. guide. 146 This description may be used for a material that poses a hazard to the environment but does not meet the definition for a hazardous waste or a hazardous substance, as defined in 171.8 of this subchapter, or any hazard class, as defined in part 173 of this subchapter, if it is designated as environmentally hazardous by another Competent Authority. metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). B44 All parts of valves and safety relief devices in contact with lading must be of a material which will not cause formation of acetylides. 119 This substance, when in quantities of not more than 11.5 kg (25.3 pounds), with not less than 10 percent water, by mass, also may be classed as Division 4.1, provided a negative test result is obtained when tested in accordance with test series 6(c) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). For criteria in determining what is a new lighter design, see 173.308(b)(1). Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. N85 Packagings certified at the Packing Group I performance level may not be used. The HMT consists of 10 columns and provides information for each hazardous material listed. The outside of each package must be plainly marked ARTICLES, EXPLOSIVES, N.O.S. See also UN1942 in the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. 129 These materials may not be classified and transported unless authorized by the Associate Administrator on the basis of results from Series 2 Test and a Series 6(c) Test from the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) on packages as prepared for transport. 372 This entry applies to asymmetric capacitors with an energy storage capacity greater than 0.3 Wh. Column 7 specifies codes for special provisions applicable to hazardous materials. Thickness of stainless steel for portable tank shells and heads must be the greater of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the thickness required for a portable tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.3 times the vapor pressure of the hazardous material at 46 C (115 F). Data collection and handling. B116 The use of non specification, sift-proof dump or hopper type vehicles, and sift-proof roll-on/roll-off bulk bins, which must be covered by a tarpaulin, metal cover, or equivalent means is authorized for the transportation of spent bleaching earth by motor vehicle. This entry applies to machinery or apparatus containing hazardous materials as a residue or as an integral element of the machinery or apparatus. 54 Maneb or maneb preparations not meeting the definition of Division 4.3 or any other hazard class are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when transported by motor vehicle, rail car, or aircraft. TP12 This material is considered highly corrosive to steel. switch to drafting.ecfr.gov. An installed inflation cylinder that requires recharging must be filled in accordance with 173.301(l). The tank car specification may be marked to indicate a test pressure of 13.79 Bar (200 psig). B49 Tanks equipped with interior heater coils are not authorized. (iv) T75. d. Receptacles containing adsorbed or absorbed ammonia shall meet the following conditions: (1) Receptacles shall be made of a material compatible with ammonia as specified in ISO 11114-1:2012(E) and ISO 11114-1:2012/Amd 1:2017(E) (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter); (2) Receptacles and their means of closure shall be hermetically sealed and able to contain the generated ammonia; (3) Each receptacle shall be able to withstand the pressure generated at 85 C (185 F) with a volumetric expansion no greater than 0.1%; (4) Each receptacle shall be fitted with a device that allows for gas evacuation once pressure exceeds 15 bar (1500 kPa) without violent rupture, explosion or projection; and. Note also that this exception does not apply to batteries that have been reconditioned for reuse. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. 182 Equipment containing only lithium batteries must be classified as either UN 3091 or UN 3481. A stimulating mechanism must be used to initiate one article in the middle of the packaging. (b) Preparation for transport. 159 This material must be protected from direct sunshine and kept in a cool, well-ventilated place away from sources of heat. B83 Bottom outlets are prohibited on tank car tanks transporting sulfuric acid in concentrations over 65.25 percent. 157 When transported as a limited quantity or a consumer commodity, the maximum net capacity specified in 173.151(b)(1)(i) of this subchapter for inner packagings may be increased to 5 kg (11 pounds). When transported by vessel, flexible, fiberboard or wooden IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. b. A chemical under pressure packaged in an aerosol dispenser must be transported under UN1950. What does the sign in column 1 of the hazardous materials Table mean 8 A hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description Other regulated substances, liquid or solid, n.o.s., as appropriate. Choosing an item from Nickel-carbon asymmetric capacitors containing Class 8 alkaline electrolytes must be transported as UN2795, Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, electric storage. Interior heating coils are not authorized. If a frangible disc is required in series with the reclosing pressure relief device for the specified portable tank, the alternative portable tank must be fitted with a frangible disc in series with the reclosing pressure relief device; and, (1) When two effective means are specified, the alternative portable tank is fitted with bottom openings having two or three effective means of closure or no bottom openings; or, (2) When three effective means are specified, the portable tank has no bottom openings or three effective means of closure; or. Your Nuclear Attack Map for 2023 - mirasafety.com (iii) T50 When portable tank instruction T50 is indicated in Column (7) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table, the applicable liquefied compressed gas and chemical under pressure descriptions are authorized to be transported in portable tanks in accordance with the requirements of 173.313 of this subchapter. The rechargeable (and some non-rechargeable) types have gelled alkaline electrolytes (rather than acidic) making it difficult for them to generate hydrogen or oxygen when overcharged and therefore, differentiating them from non-spillable batteries. Air must be eliminated from the vapor space by nitrogen or other means. For non-pressurized lighters containing a Class 3 (flammable liquid) material, its design, description, and packaging must be approved by the Associate Administrator prior to being offered for transportation or transported in commerce. B66 Each tank must be equipped with gas tight valve protection caps. These provisions apply only to transportation by water: W1 This substance in a non friable prill or granule form is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Test and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and is found to not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1. B131 When transported by highway, rail, or cargo vessel, waste Paint and Paint related material (UN1263; PG II and PG III), when in plastic or metal inner packagings of not more than 26.5 L (7 gallons), are excepted from the marking requirements in 172.301(a) and (c) and the labeling requirements in 172.400(a), when further packed in the following specification and non-specification bulk outer packagings and under the following conditions: a. A2 Single packagings are not permitted on aircraft. No Class 7 label is required to be displayed. 2 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone B (see 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. Column 7 of the 172.101 Hazmat Table lists the special provisions that apply to an individual proper shipping name. Nitrocellulose membrane filters covered by this entry, each with a mass not exceeding 0.5 g, are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when contained individually in an article or a sealed packet. Overcharge of the rechargeable lithium ion cells is precluded by design; iii. Packagings may include a vent to permit the slow escape of gas (i.e. b. The requirements of 173.24(g)(1) and 173.27(c) do not apply. Prohibited means bottom openings are prohibited, and Prohibited for liquids means bottom openings are authorized for solid material only. c. Each glass inner packaging is protected by a means of preventing puncture of the plastic bag (e.g., sleeves or cushioning) in the event of damage to the packaging (e.g., by crushing). The examination and testing of each lighter design must be performed by a person authorized by the Associate Administrator under the provisions of subpart E of part 107 of this chapter, as specified in 173.308(a)(4). Packaging must be UN standard metal drums attached with heavy duty steel strapping to a pallet; and. 78 This entry may not be used to describe compressed air which contains more than 23.5 percent oxygen. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate. 22 If the hazardous material is in dispersion in organic liquid, the organic liquid must have a flash point above 50 C (122 F). If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, the package must be marked as required for both battery types. 172 This entry includes alcohol mixtures containing up to 5% petroleum products. N25 Steel single packagings are not authorized. (2) To the extent a special provision imposes limitations or additional requirements on the packaging provisions set forth in column 8 of the 172.101 table, packagings must conform to the requirements of the special provision. TP18 The temperature of this material must be maintained between 18 C (64.4 F) and 40 C (104 F) while in transportation. f. Flexible: 13H2, 13H3, 13H4, 13H5, 13L2, 13L3, 13L4, 13M1 and 13M2 (flexible IBCs must be sift-proof and water resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water resistant liner). The shipper must ensure that all applicable requirements of 173.185 of this subchapter are met. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. Where different hazardous materials in limited quantities are packed together in the same outer packaging, when a gross mass is indicated Column 4 of 173.27 Table 3, the net quantity of each hazardous material must be shown in addition to the gross mass of the completed package. [Amdt. 24 Alcoholic beverages containing more than 70 percent alcohol by volume must be transported as materials in Packing Group II. Column 4 specifies the applicability of 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter for the pressure relief devices. 115 Boosters with detonator, detonator assemblies and boosters with detonators in which the total explosive charge per unit does not exceed 25 g, and which will not mass detonate and undergo only limited propagation in the shipping package may be assigned to 1.4B classification code.

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column 7 of the hazardous materials table Leave a Comment