Sun Trine Saturn Natal and Transit. If youre looking for some inspiration during times when things get stale between the two of you, try watching or reading a fantasy novel together to spark up your imagination and reignite your passion for each other. Saturn sextile or trine another persons Saturn acts similarly to the conjunction, but there is less of a stuck or repressed energy. This aspect lends itself to verbally abusive relationships, and can even escalate into physical aggression. At the same time, Saturn brings commitment, too. If you are both mutable, your changeable and adaptable natures may cause you to drift apart; if you are both Cardinal, you are both dynamic, action-oriented, which can give rise to competitiveness; If you are both Fixed, the both of you are stubborn, loyal, and attached, so it may be easy to feel stuck with each other. The Sun opposition Saturn synastry relationship can grow very negative. Once we understand what the Sun tells us, we can use Saturnian energy to fulfill its plan for our life. Keep in mind Saturn deals with life . It reminds me of the saying, an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. For example, my Saturn is in my 11th house, which indicates I am not fond of large groups and keep my social circle tight. This could lead to conflicts, but if both partners are wise and mature enough, it could lead to healthy compromises. Like a moth to a flame, the Sun person is drawn to the Pluto person. The Sun person may also be too immature to change the dynamics or to truly take responsibility for themselves. This can create a very stable, long-lasting relationship without too many challenges over the course of their life together. It is not surprising that so many good relationships have positive Venus- Saturn aspects. The Saturn person must especially work tonot control the Sun person. Saturn represents blockages and restrictions, which can manifest in many forms. The Sun person may believe he has found his soul mate in the Neptune person, and the Neptune person may play into this role in order to please the Sun person. Fearing the Sun persons withdrawal of interest, the Saturn person may criticize and judge the Sun person. A poorly-aspected Sun will make us selfish, arrogant, entitled, narcissistic, and proud without reason. Banned. The Saturn person gives structure to the Mercury persons ideas. The person was your child. Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can create a very stable and reliable love connection between two people who have similar personalities and temperaments. With the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect, the couple focuses on working towards common goals. Saturn is the karmic parent that gives us a sense of security. It feels fated or 'karmic,' with the underlying mood that there's work to do together. In a Sun Trine Saturn synastry, the Saturn person will be very committed and dedicated to the Sun person. Saturn will show us the areas in our lives where we may be too clingy or codependent on another person for support, which is not beneficial in the long run. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Saturn-Uranus Aspects. This gives both of them an opportunity to meet new people and bond with each others friends as well! The Sun is the star that our planet orbits around, which makes it an essential part of astrology. Someone with Saturn square my Saturn would make me more self-conscious, and may talk over me and interrupt me often. Saturn is also associated with limitations in life, as well as discomfort that comes from being unable to be supported by others. This aspect is an indicator of conflict and power struggles. This is a binding connection. Electricity and spontaneity characterize this relationship, but not in an upsetting way like in the case of the conjunction, opposition, or square. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. In a marriage, you will be dedicated and helpful to one another. Sun-Saturn aspects make any relationship feel incredibly serious. Their physical chemistry tends to be off the roof, even when Moon is the man and Mars is the woman. Someones Saturn in harsh aspect to your Saturn increases each persons negative feelings about their own Saturn. Ultimately, these Sun-Saturn relationships are all about learning how to take responsibility for yourself instead of criticizing or trying to change your partner. The Saturn person feels they cannot rely on the Uranus person, and the Uranus person feels they cannot be themselves around the Saturn person. This is a very difficult aspect to find in synastry, yet it is commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples! In order for the Sun square Saturn synastry relationship to work, both people will have to communicate and take responsibility forthemselves instead of shifting the blame. Or, perhaps they will be an absent or distant friend, which would reaffirm my desire to keep my social circle very small. Click here to read Saturn conjunct North Node in Synastry, Click here to read Saturn conjunct South Node in Synastry. The Sun person can feel held back from shining as bright as theyd like to. You desire to make each other happy, and this will last throughout your relationship. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. He was also much older than me, so he seemed even more patronizing. The Sun sign is associated with your identity, appearance, ego, vitality, and overall energy levels, so its important to keep this in mind when trying to understand someone else or even yourself in a relationship. The Sextile and Trine Aspects work very similarly to the conjunction, but the effect is less intense. Neptune wants Saturn to dream a little, while Saturn wants Neptune to be more realistic. The Sun person feels supported and nurtured by the Moon person, while the Moon person feels more confident and powerful due to the Sun person. Saturn in square or opposition to another persons Pluto is a problematic aspect. If your Sun is in harmonious aspect to another persons Sun, it indicates mutual understanding of each others overall personality. In addition, the Sun quincunx Saturn is a difficult synastry because it . This isnt an indicator of sexual attraction, but rather one of pure love and affection. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Uranus in their charts. In those two relationships, I felt that I was scolding my misbehaving children. Although you probably knew each other in a past life, your relationship wasnt necessarily romantic. On the positive side, this relationship is particular was my longest. This star also brings us a sense of dignity, pride, and the determination to pursue our purpose in life and fulfill our mission. It made total sense, given the fact that Saturn was transiting my 7th house at the time. Theyll keep each other safe and will work hard to achieve their goals, which can lead them both toward success in life together in a steady and balanced fashion. These synastry [], In a romantic relationship, Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. The Saturn person may feel the Neptune person has their head in the clouds, and may discourage them from expressing their spiritual ideas or fantasies. You have a strong desire to make each other happy, but may tend to expect too much from the partnership, which can lead to disappointment. Indeed, being around the Venus person gives the Sun person an ego boost! Indeed, my relationships with those two lasted quite a few years, but it wasnt without difficulty. Since Mars is the planet of sex and physical energy, this aspect can also manifest into sexual problems for the couple. The harmonious aspects (sextile, trine) between Mercury and Saturn are much easier to handle. All it wants is for us to be in the right place at the right time. I had some relationships in the past with strong Saturn connections like Ascendant conjunct Saturn, Moon conjunct Saturn, Venus conjunct Saturn or Sun conjunct Saturn. This is one of the strongest aspects two people can have in synastry. If the Saturn person is willing to be open to new ideas, then they can evolve and change from the influence of the Sun. Juno/Psyche: soulmate. The Venus person instinctively knows how to love the Sun person. These two might be in very different stages in life, and are going in different directions. These two partners like to spend time together and do fun activities as a form of bonding. Their goals might not line up well, and there may be a tendency to always get in each others way. Saturn is more about routine and stability, so the Saturn person will not be the one to initiate new adventures. Your mutual attraction has a solid base. If your planet conjuncts or opposes this midpoint, you are the external manifestation of that need. This aspect creates intense emotions that can lead to deep, profound . The Sun person can teach the Saturn person to let go of fear, but these lessons may be painful. Updated on 04/08/18. You dont have to explain yourselves to one another; you just get each other. Its likely that you rub each other the wrong way, and know how to get under each others skin. They are effectively able to organize and plan for their future together. This aspect definitely produces mutual attraction, but can cause problems in terms of understanding each others values. Since Sun and Mars are both masculine planets, it can cause ego clashes, as well. These can be very influential relationships because they force growth on a deep level. Still, the feeling of responsibility and duty to one another is present. If your Suns are square, it means they share the same modality (i.e. However, you will stand out to your superiors and elders and gain their support . In addition, theyll often find themselves as mentors within each others lives as well. The Saturn person usually sees the Mars person as childish and irresponsible. : All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. This would work so well in a business relationship, as it blends power and intensity with practicality and perseverance. Say Uranus rules your 7th house, and your partners Saturn makes a square aspect to your Uranus. The Saturn trine Sun aspect can bring stability, focus, and success to individuals who experience it. Jupiter is generous and trusting towards the Sun person, and the Sun person vitalizes the Jupiter person. We were both careful to never uncover too much about the way we felt. If you have this aspect, you can learn more about it in this article. Each one of them brought out many of my insecurities. This aspect is often found in the synastry charts of married couples. It brings a lot of difficulties into a relationship but also gives immense potential for growth. The Saturn person needs to be cognizant of when they try to snuff out the Sun persons light. The same went for affection; affection did not flow easily between us due to deep-seated fears of rejection, which was ultimately frustrating for both parties. During the early stages, the Sun person will like the Saturn persons mature and responsible qualities, while the Saturn person will enjoy the Suns energy, creativity, vibrancy, and enthusiasm. It speaks mostly about what we already are and wants us to grow into our authentic selves. Air feeds fire, and Water and Earth are a fertile mix. Beware of the danger of overspending with one another. The Moon person may find the Sun person overly rational, dictatorial, and selfish, while the Sun person may find the Moon person overly sensitive and emotional. Even if they do not see eye to eye in all matters, these two people want to understand each other and learn from each other, which is essential for a successful relationship. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. With this aspect, you like spending time with each other and socializing together. Saturn has a way of making Mercury feel as though she is not as intelligent or bright as the Saturn person. Here are some fun relationship ideas that can inspire them to build a happy life together and find new ways to express themselves to the other: In astrology, a trine is an angle where two planets are 120 degrees apart from each other. Another reason I was so critical of these two guys was because I genuinely thought their ideas, feelings, and beliefs were incredibly stupid. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. This is because the Sun person brings out the Saturns persons insecurities. Like the conjunction, this aspect indicates the tendency for the Saturn to criticize and nag the Sun person. September 2, 2015 astrologyplace. Their home is going to feel like a safe haven for the other individual, with this relationship being one thats full of support from both sides. There is a strong sense of mutual appreciation and admiration in this relationship. Ever hear the phrase, opposites attract? Two people with a Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect share previous lives, making them even more committed to each other subconsciously. And when we are not in such favorable circumstances, we feel uncomfortable and even bothered. This is the perfect catalyst for a deeper, more substantial form of love and trust. This is a great way to express yourself in a non-verbal way for a deeper connection. Why is this position so hard, for the people who have it (and also on a global scale, for all . Avoid Sun or Moon square to Saturn. The Sun trine Saturn synastry aspect tends to bestow a deep sense of commitment to the partners. It loves to put us in the spotlight. Even though I knew he had true feelings for me, self-doubt and fear of rejection would take over, and Id end up keeping my feelings to myself. This is an electrifying, though unstable aspect. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. Hello, I have interesting experiences. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. It can be of great assistance enabling the couple to feel well-grounded with each other. The Sun represents who we are at our core while Mercury represents how we communicate and process information. The bond the Sun person shares with their Saturn partner is one in a lifetime. The Pluto person may feel restricted by the Saturn person, while the Saturn person may feel the Pluto person is overly controlling and may resist Plutos desire to control them. In addition, theyll often find themselves acting as mentors within their relationship too, given their dominant and curious natures. Typically, people who enter into a Sun opposition Saturn synastry relationship are looking to fill certain roles. The trine aspect between Saturn and the Sun highlights a secure, solid, and long-lasting connection with unconditional love. Negative Aspects of Sun Quincunx Saturn Synastry. Both people may start to ignore all of the wonderful things they saw in their partner initially because these issues become so heavy. The Sun person will appreciate Saturns wisdom in the relationship and will not hesitate to ask their advice in times of need. Typically, the Saturn person doesnt do any of this onpurpose with the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect. They may feel that the Saturn person is always trying to teach or parent them and that their light is being snuffed out. A poor aspected Saturn will bring our traumas into our life until we heal and learn from them. The soft aspects, such as trine and sextile, between Venus and Saturn are ideal in a relationship. In this case, each partner is dependable and responsible to the other, and support each others goals and aspirations. In the Sun square Saturn synastry relationship, the problem tends to lie with both partners. This aspect can indicate a real lack of caring and consideration for one another, especially on the part of the Venus person. Trust me- I tried. It is important that Saturn is not an easy planet. It can be quite painful if one partner holds back, but this partnership can be truly deep and wonderful should the partners choose to put their best feet forward. Sun-Saturn relationships of all aspects teach us how to take personal responsibility and release judgment, criticism, and blame. The Sun-Saturn energy in synastry is much like the energy between a parent and child. Saturn loves the shiny energy brought by the Sun and makes it its purpose to support it. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. So my natal Saturn aspects are set off by him, specifically Saturn square Venus and Saturn trine Mars. The Saturn person shines a light on the Sun person, motivating and radiating energy that is . Geminis and Virgos are both mutable, Capricorns and Libras are both cardinal, etc..). Typically, the Sun trine Saturn synastry dynamics are overlap from a past life where the couple had some sort of karmic working relationship. Every obstacle they face will make their bond grow more substantial and intense. The Sun person needs to remember that there is no boss in a relationship, and both partners work together to achieve their common goals. But embracing them and allowing them to manifest in our life is essential. Sun in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House. It shows us the best synastry aspects of our life where we have the potential to shine the most. Indeed, Mercury might feel self-conscious and awkward when expressing herself to the Saturn person. Yet signs and houses matter; for instance, if B's Juno is in Libra, then A's Juno . The odds that a relationship with Saturn trine the Sun will withstand the test of time are very high. The Sun sextile Saturn synastry enhances stability, patience, and endurance in a relationship. 3. The Saturn person in the relationship. This relationship dynamic is simply natural with the Sun trine Saturn synastry aspect. This is an indicator of a deep attraction and a powerful sexual connection. The Sun trine Moon is a powerful aspect in friendship synastry. You value reliability and being responsible to each other. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. Even from the early stages of the relationship, this intense desire they share will help to see them navigate easily toward a long-term commitment. This makes it important for you to be aware of the areas where your Saturn is in synastry with another person so that you can have a healthy, balanced relationship over time. What kind of relationship can you have, if you cant even talk to one anothe? Sun Trine Saturn Synastry. I think one of the things that made us last so long was the desire to find out what the other person felt. It ensures we stay on the right path throughout life. However, the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect does require a bit of work. There can be a lack of warmth and an invisible barrier between the couple. The Moon person may feel the Sun person stomps all over their feelings, and the Sun person may not even be aware of this! Venus and Mars. Just by being themselves and expressing their individuality, my fears of rejection and getting hurt surfaced. Sun conjunct, sextile, or trine the other persons Venus. Ultimately, both partners must be willing to grow and change for this relationship to work. While power Sextile and Trine were the top 2 most "OFTEN" aspects in female natal charts. He acted somewhat fatherly towards me, and I didnt want to risk his disapproval. The trine between Sun and Saturn in synastry is an excellent aspect for long-term relationships and marriage and is often found in these types of unions. This is meant to teach us a lesson about where we need to grow and become more self-sufficient so that we can have a healthier relationship with ourselves as well as others. One important aspect of synastry is the Sun square or semi-square Mercury aspect. It may be hard for others to understand the strong bond between these two and mistake it for a secret romance. They will naturally want to build a home and family together. They share the same love language and have the same values. This aspect indicates the couple shares a romantic, spiritual bond. The Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect is a celestial alignment that occurs when Saturn and the Sun are approximately 120 degrees apart. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, and might even prevent a relationship from forming in the first place. Something as simple as a city break or a romantic vacation can bring the spark back and break the routine and that overwhelming sense of responsibility. I tried my best to keep my Saturnian energy in check, but when it came down to it, I simply couldnt help but criticize him. The Sun and Moon are the most important planets in our chart, so this aspect is extremely powerful and binding. In astrology, the Sun is the masculine energy, while the Moon is feminine and motherly. The Sun will bring the passion they need in their intimate life, while Saturn brings stability and devotion. The relationship most likely started quickly, full of excitement and mutual attraction. With this aspect, it seems that no matter what the Mars person does, the Saturn person is bothered. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship, Saturn tends to dampen the Suns enthusiasm and vibrancy. When arguments do happen, they are both able to take a more rational approach and easily find a resolution that suits both of them. #3. This is because in the case of the sextile or trine, they have their Saturn in a sign that is compatible with their partners Saturn. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Instead, it points out the actions we need to take to get there. I didnt want them to grow, because I was too afraid they would grow apart from me. My best friend of 30+ years has her Saturn square my Sun. Unlike the Sun, Saturn doesnt point in the direction we need to go. This is an indicator of a love-hate relationship. In harmonious aspect, Sun-Mercury aspects indicates healthy communication between partners. The key karmic lesson for both is to work towards consistent and mutual understanding. With this aspect, there comes a tendency to criticize each others viewpoints. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. Together, they make a great team because they understand each other very well. The emotional distancing both frustrated and intrigued me. This article will show what each of these two celestial bodies means for a relationship, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Consider investing in a small pet together, such as a puppy or kitten. However, they should understand that with this aspect, they are never alone, and it is essential to find a way to communicate that to each other. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). How does this aspect play out between two people, you may ask? Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. In synastry, the sun sign of each person will play a key role in how they communicate and interact with one another on the surface level. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, as the Neptune person might bring a confusion or deception to the relationship. The physical connection between two people with Saturn trine the Sun wont be the most critical aspect of their relationship. Uranus-Uranus Aspects. Both of these people will share a love for adventure and exploration together, which can create a very fun life for both of them. The Sun square Saturn synastry aspect also means that problems may arise based on differences in the partners responsibilities and needs. However, when the Sun is in harmony with the rest of the planets, it gives us the wisdom to understand ourselves. While this aspect indicates mutual generosity and trust, you may tend to overindulge the other. On the other hand, if we put in the effort and hard work towards achieving our goals, Saturn rewards us. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is all about growing. This aspect can also indicate a victim-savior relationship, in which one depends strongly on the other for support and guidance. But at the end of the day, they will both know that they can trust each other and have an intense emotional bond that keeps them together through difficult times. Lilith Conjunct Venus Synastry. Welcome to AW, Must both must be of similar age for your pluto's to be conj-- so this means that your pluto is conj YOUR south node as well as his pluto conj your s node. I censored my feelings of affection for him, and he did the same. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Pluto in their charts. It can also lead us towards destructive patterns, turning us into a fighter without a cause. However with Venus square Neptune almost to the degree alongside this Sun . Chiron Conjunct Juno. Both Saturn and Pluto are quite controlling in their own way: Saturn is practical and wants to maintain the status quo, while Pluto wants to have complete control and desires transformation. They must be strong enough to do this work and to let the Sun person shine their light on them. A synastry aspect between Saturn and Sun is a vital contact for both parties. Saturn already represents duty, responsibility, maturity, as well as pessimism. This is a binding aspect to be found between lovers. The Sun person feels blocked and discouraged by the Saturn person. Most Saturn placements in a synastry chart represent past life karma. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Saturn indicates the two of you are similar in your attitudes towards hard work, responsibility, and duty. I felt he belittled my opinions and ideas to the point of condescension. The Venus person may feel the Sun person doesnt appreciate her efforts to please him, and the Sun person may find the Venus person superficial. This is part of the reason why they feel so comfortable with each other as if theyve known one another for years, even if they have just met recently. Saturn in sextile or trine to another persons Pluto is a good thing to see in a synastry chart. Saturn likes maintaining the status quo, and Uranus loves change, so there may be a constant battle between these two. Try hosting tea parties, dinner parties, or movie nights at home together. Trine is one of the most favorite aspects of astrology. The Sun person feels blessed to be in the company of the Venus person, and the Venus person reciprocates these feelings. You encourage each others freedom and independence. This individual is also going to encourage responsibility in this relationship, wanting both of them together to work hard on achieving goals they set out for themselves. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. When one person's Sun is aligned with the other's Saturn, there's often a sense of weight to the relationship. Look to the rest of the chart to see if theres enough aspects to hold the partners together. The danger exists if the Saturn person's gloom and negativity proves . If both people work to overcome communication challenges, the Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can be a very successful and rewarding love connection.

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