In some cases, when a shot backfired out of the hole, it ignited coal dust or gas in the miners room and sent fire bursting into the main tunnel, where it could burn or suffocate the mules and their drivers passing through. One threat the animals and birds could detect was the odor of gas that oozed from the ancient vegetation compacted over the ages. A standard tune in miners lore began with lyric, Youve been docked and docked again, boys / Youve been loading two for one, and asked what the miner had to show for working so hard. These were the underground attitudes Frank Keeney absorbed as he entered manhood as a coal miner. Full chapter extends from pp. The average hourly pay for a Coal Mine Worker is $21.49. Details the price of clothing for men, women, boys and girls on pp. Shows average wages alongside a cost of living index for Germany between 1929-1942. Shows price list of one California retailer. Shows the average retail prices of staple foodstuffs in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Report published in 1925 mainly covers wages in manufacturing industries. Girl's: Wages are shown in Latvian rubles. See "Blood donation" in. Managements steam whistle now set the times. For example, the 1920 volume gives rates in Ohio and Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana, and more. PRICES in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, WAGES -- GENERAL SOURCES (all occupations and worker types), WAGES in AIRPLANE and AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING, 1920s. Shows the average weekly wages of NY factory workers every month over a 14 year period. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review, July 1930. Source: Shows wages by occupation in Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Dundee, Cardiff, London, Manchester and more. The correct use of explosives depended on the miners skill and knowledge of how to drill, how much powder to use, and how to damp a charge properly. Shows expenditures by category with prices per article and amounts needed annually for a family of five. Pennsylvania's investment in anthracite iron paid dividends for the industrial economy of the state and proved that coal could be adapted to a number of industrial pursuits. Regardless of what their state government might or might not do to protect them, the miners of West Virginia had to rely on themselves and their buddies, rather than on company fire bosses and state mine inspectors, whose numbers were few and whose visits were infrequent. Covers the states of NH, VT, MA, CT, KY, SC, AL, MO, KS, IA and OH. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages of day laborers, farm hands, clerks, bookkeepers, government employees, and army members in Lithuania. Chart shows median wages of women employed in Philadelphia households as chambermaids, cleaners, cooks, waitresses, laundress, seamstress, and children's nurses (nannies.) Wages are shown in both contemporary Yen and US dollars. U.S. coal mining employment change by state Q4 2011-Q4 2016 ; Owners claimed property rights and managerial entitlements over the workplace. Boys frequently were assigned the most-dangerous jobs. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages of masons, carpenters, stonecutters, painters, shoemakers, and tailors in each of the provincial capitals of Spain. 1920, Wages by occupation - Manchuria, 1920-1921, Daily and monthly wage earnings - Soviet Union, 1926-1927, Average yearly wages in the Soviet Union, 1929-1932, salaries paid school teachers throughout Russia, seldom exceed 12 rubles per month in late 1923, Agricultural wages - Switzerland in 1914, 1921, 1930, Earnings and prices - Switzerland, 1920-1921, Wages in Great Britain, France and Germany (with addendum for Switzerland), Minimum wage legislation in various countries, Comparative wage rates in the U.S. and in foreign countries, 1927, Wages paid on steamships by country and occupation, 1922, wages paid to Chinese and Lascar (Indian or southeast Asian) employees, Farm family incomes in Wake County, North Carolina - 1926, Foods - Average retail prices over time, 1923-36, Foods - Average retail prices across 39 cities, 1920-1928, corn meal, rice, potatoes, granulated sugar, coffee and tea, onions, navy beans, prunes, raisins, canned salmon, evaporated milk, margarine, lard, oats, corn flakes, wheat cereal, macaroni, canned baked beans, canned corn, canned peas, canned tomatoes, bananas, oranges, Food price averages for each year from 1890-1970, Cigarette, cigar and rolling papers - Los Angeles, 1921, Farm houses in Iowa - Value and size, 1923, Sears homes with costs to build, 1908-1939, Cost of materials to build a Sears home, ca. The deep imagery of coal mining in the 1970s shows a lifestyle - Medium Source: Women's Bureau Bulletin #85. Children's: Details the price of various building materials on pp. That the presidents persistent nostalgia for a yesteryear America had such visceral effect on rural voters only betrays the entrenched anxiety of a region where decline is a multi-generational way of life. Shows salaries for teachers ofkindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, vocational school, college, and normal schools (teacher training academies). Shows average value for farm land and buildings from 1850-1982. Report published in 1923 gives wages for Arkansas women by occupation and race. Source: page 13 in. When he lit the fuse, the lead miner hollered, Fire in the hole, and scuttled out of the room with his buddy. Prices are shown in Mexican pesos. Wage rates by occupation in foreign countries (sometimes just to a certain city in the foreign country), assembled for easy comparison to U.S. wage rates for the same occupations. 45-57. Managers worried about competition, costs, and controlling workers who spoke multiple languages and labored out of view. Broken out by men's and women's jobs. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of food and commodities in various cities throughout south Manchuria. Prices are shown in Spanish pesetas. Includes clam, lobster, oyster industries and more. Wages shown in 1930 US dollars. To view an issue of interest, select it from the list and click View. 59-71. Shows dollar amount and % of total budget spent on various categories of goods and services, broken out by urban/rural families. Source: Lists minimum and maximum daily wages for male and female workers. Wages are shown in Sweden kronor. Source: Women's Bureau Bulletin #25. Wages are shown in Dutch guilder. Source: Includes district-specific information and the average output of coal per person per shift. Wages shown in contemporary US dollars. Iowa farm houses averaged around 8 rooms and had an average value of $3,043. See table 164 for average annual wage. Source: BLS, Shows the average price of foodstuffs and other common goods in the federal district of Mexico. When young Frank Keeney walked through a mine portal in 1892, perhaps an older miner, maybe a neighbor, offered him some words of consolation or, at least, instruction as they traveled in and outof the mine on what was known as a man trip. Or he might have heard some words of warning from the older boys who led the mules and coal cars back and forth through the door he tended. Wages are shown in German marks. See p. 193 of this. Milk cost an average 33 per half gallon in 1920. 408, Shows the wages of a variety of occupations in the capital of Argentina. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages of Spanish agricultural workers in different cities. Wages are expressed in both foreign currency and dollars. Source: BLS Source: BLS, See fairly comprehensive coverage of this topic in Appendix 23, "Charges for various kinds of medical services" in, Fee schedules established by the Ohio State Medical Association for. 8836. Shows annual salaries for all school personnel in Texas without breakouts for occupation, years of training, years of experience, etc. One statute required operators to print maps of their mines, but it excluded any provisions for enforcing this requirement. Typically, workers could get an advance on pay, in company-issued paper currency, called scrip, or tokens to buy goods. in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, FOOD See quartile, "Women in Alabama industries: a study of hours, wages and working conditions," Women's Bureau Bulletin #34 (. of Agriculture report. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages of manual work occupations in Barcelona, Spain. The craftiness and deftness of the best colliers was most evident when they performed the riskiest task of all. Dining room: Conversely, a dollar earned in 1928 had the same buying power as abut $15 in the year 2020. Source: BLS, Shows the average retail prices of food, clothing, and fuel prices in Shanghai. Shows the changes in wages of united Illinois coal miners following a labor agreement. Provides detailed breakouts by occupation. The Miners' Strike of 1984 was a turning point in British history. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages for an 8 hour work day in Riga within various industry groups. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (July 1930). House paints, paint brushes, doors & windows, wrench sets, home improvement tools, steel safes, fencing, garden tools, wrenches & other assorted tools, water pumps, plows, milk cans, gasoline-powered generators. Wages are shown in 1931 US dollars. Source: Table shows 52 years of time-series prices on individual foods, such as. Compares to national averages. continue to render these kinds of occupations obsolete. The US Coal Industry in the Nineteenth Century Source: This source is entirely about compensation of state and local government employees in New York. Teacher salaries for. Source: National Education Association of the United States. Source: For each college, this table shows tuition for residents and non-residents by course of study. Source: BLS, Shows the retail price of various foodstuffs and other items in Prague following Czechoslovakian independence. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin #682, chapter 9: "Monthly earnings of professional engineers," pp. Knickerbockers, shirts, high school boy's suits, boy's fine suits, overcoats, winter coats, jackets, pajamas, rain coats, caps and hats, shoes. There is also a table showing, Shows the value of multiple currencies in US dollars in the years of. Prices are shown in contemporary US dollars. Shows wage data by manufacturing categories for 1914, 1919, 1921, and 1923. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of foodstuffs and other staple goods in the Mexican capital. Miners left their pits to fight the attempt of the Thatcher government to close the collieries, break the miners' union and the labour movement in general, and open the way to a free market economy in which deregulated financial capitalism would be set free by the Big Bang of 1986. HOUSING, FARMS and UTILITIES Every workingman was supposed to have his turn when it came to getting an empty coal car, because each collier deserved an equal opportunity to get his load to the weigh station. All of these mines included a main entry, or portal, and a second tunnel, or monkey drift, which provided workers with ventilationa barely adequate suction through a surface grate created by a coal fire that burned all day. Coal Mine Worker Hourly Pay | PayScale Survey covered only white families over a certain. Source: Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. For best detail, see the full chapters on. The lawmakers apparently agreed with West Virginias Republican governor, G. W. Atkinson, who said in 1901: It is but the natural course of mining events that men should be injured and killed by accidents.. A man sometimes had to get down on his hands and knees, with his left shoulder, well padded, against the car, bracing himself with his toes against the ties and the dirt of the floor, wrote a former miner, while his partner controlled the brakes to keep the car from rolling back on the pusher if he slipped or grew tired. Back injuries, broken legs, and severed feet and fingers were common. In 1984 there were 174 deep coal mines in the UK by 1994 - the year the industry was finally privatized - there were just 15 left. And your eye upon the scale! Salary data for teachers, principals and school administrators in New York City, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City. Provides foreign wage data in native currency alongside the U.S. dollar equivalent to assist in comparing the rates. Under these terms, a hard worker could earn $2.00 for ten to twelve hours of labor, if the work was steady. About half of the surveyed penal institutions gave prisoners some compensation, based on its use as incentive toward good work and better behavior, and to provide the convict with a small way to provide for his family. Shows police department salaries for cities over 100,000 population. Use "search in this text" feature to navigate (or contact us for assistance). This Farmers' Bulletin, Cost of Using Horses on Corn-Belt Farms, goes into great detail about the costs of keeping work horses, including a. Source: Chicago Commission on Race Relations report. 297. 412. At suppertime, youngsters like Frank would sit with the men on a pile of slate and listen as veterans of the mine would sing songs, spin yarns, and tell jokes; they would rib the boys, trick them for laughs, and tell them tall tales of the devilish apparitions that appeared to them down in the hole. This is a New Zealand government document. See answers (2) Best Answer. It may be necessary to read the chapters pertaining to the country, but you can find the actual minimum wages in the discussion. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (September 1932). MORE PRICES in the U.S. There was little prospect then that coal would be in demand as it is today or that the daily wage of miners would be multiplied 8 to 10 times by 1974. Shows the average daily wages of workers in various industries in Riga as well as other parts of Latvia. Washington, D.C. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy & Terms of Use), The American Twins, Harpers Weekly, 1874, African American History Curatorial Collective. Source: Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. School and office supplies: Trump blames his predecessors environmentalism for the loss of jobs in Appalachia, but the reality is a long-running product of market forces, not liberal tree-hugging. Source: U.S. Dept. Workers and Managers | National Museum of American History Women's: by SEX During the 1910s and 1920s, minimum wage laws were adopted by a handful of states and generally applied only to women and children. The study pays particular attention to women who made less than the average wage. Shows prices by month and year. When the smoke cleared, the collier and his buddy would swing their picks to break up large clumps of coal and shovel the smaller lumps into a mine car; it was back-aching work made more painful by the narrowness of the room. Prices shown in marks. Part of a section on Negro women's wages. Source: Monthly price list for Ralph's Grocery Company, which sold only in the Los Angeles area. Board a ship to cross the wave; Source: U.S. Federal Trade Commission report. Wages shows in 1930 US dollars. Source: BLS. Wages are shown in Belgian francs. Source: Lists prices of typical food items, housing expenses, clothing, fuel, light and more. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review, July 1930. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. China's worst coal mine disasters - The China Project Coffee cost an average 47 per pound in 1920. "In this region, I presume that a fee of $200 would be a pretty fair estimate of the surgeon's charge for operation and the after-treatment there would be between the operation and the death of the patient." This table covers pages 357-360 in this source. Management's steam whistle now set the times. Source: Hotel rates can often be found within the advertisements throughout the pages of the. Source: BLS, Shows the cost of foodstuffs and other necessities in Greece. Source: Appendix in. Prices are shown in Latvian rubles. By 1910, more Italian immigrants lived in McDowell County than anywhere else in the state. Source: U.S. Bureau of Education. $180 - $5k. Source: BLS. The regions first coal miners primarily were African Americans, both enslaved and free. Boys learned the mining craft from their fathers and later passed this knowledge on to their own sons. Coal Miners - West Virginia Shows prices for articles of clothing sold in 35 retailer shops in twelve cities. See also "C" tab above for carpenters, cement workers, etc. Handkerchiefs, slippers, watches, umbrellas, hair brushes and combs, Christmas decorations. Includes breakouts for adults and. Compensationby job titlefor New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, San Francisco and more cities. Must use "search in this text" feature to navigate. Compares 1927 and 1913 earnings. Lists annual pay for individuals occupying administrative and supervisory positions in the executive and judicial branches. Compares average retail prices for grocery items in independent stores and in chain stores. Source: This calculator can be used to determine the historical purchasing power of currency in the United Kingdom from 1270 to 2017. Also tells pay for court clerks and marshals. Shows firemen salaries for 25 American cities including New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Buffalo, Boston, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Kansas City and more. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. The mine was run by the Japanese, who had occupied the area, along with the rest of the puppet state of Manchukuo, using prisoners of war or poorly-paid Chinese locals as their miners. As former miner Gary Bentley of Kentucky remarked in a recent New York Times article, Its not going to make a comeback. Under these terms, a hard worker could earn $2.00 for ten to twelve hours of labor, if the work was steady. Coal mining wages - Illinois, 1920. In the 1920s decade, 8% to 12%of peopleaged18-21enrolled incollege. Source: BLS. 285, Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Miners would lie on their backs and use a pick to undercut the coal. 525. Before the days of electric cars, many boys served as mule drivers. Wages are shown in pounds, shillings, and pence. Includes wage data for Chicago as well. Others opened large wooden doors just before speeding cars passed through. Typewriters, school supplies, office supplies, fountain pens, more fountain pens, books, drawing sets, home office furniture. Shows compensation for individualjudgeson the U.S. Supreme Court, circuit courts and district courts. Source: BLS Bulletin no. Salt operators eventually hired more white or free-black laborers due to the risk of investing money in bondsmen, who frequently were killed or injured in the mines. Shows forty pages of incomedata with numerous breakouts.

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