Unlike Cornell and Diehls Tuggle Hall which you have to keep re-stuffing back in there. Room note offends everyone and leaves that creosote like aftertaste that I enjoy. I now understand why so many rate this tobacco highly. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. SO GOOD! I've been a hound for it, ever since my first tin of Penzance. Loose or tinned pipe tobacco orders- minimum . That is why this blend should not be compared with Dunhill EMP, or similar blends. I truly enjoy reminiscing on the flavor and the smokey smell in my moustache well after my bowl has been finished. Cornell & Diehl Bulk Pipe Tobacco Pirate Kake - SmokersHaven.com b. the twelfth infallible imam was still alive and would return to spread his faith. My kids' comment on tin note - "Ewww! . Brings me to another time and place. Not for anyone shy about Latakia, nicotine, or burley. Pirate Kake is indeed jam packed with this delightful Latakia, and it's apparent when you rub out some of this lovely cake. I foresee lots of Pirate Kake and Star of the East Flake in my pipe smoking future. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. bomb. -- UPDATE -- awesome blended with some Lane 1Q 1/3 Pirate Kake, and 2/3 1Q - marinate for a week in a baggie. It is delicious. Pirate Cake is a hybrid weed strain. Bottom line: If you love a big dose of Latakia, then run and get some, if you don't this one may change your mind! Still it burned extremely well, and it was smooth smoke. Tiene un sabor profundo, muy terroso, ahumado, pero nada agresivo a no ser que le des mucha candela. It looked so strong and foreboding in the pouch that I refrained from whittlin' a chunk for quite some time. Earthy, smoky, salty, leathery and full. But if you like the dirty, earthy, smokey taste of Lagavulin or Laphroig, then this might be just the ticket. I tend to like latakia in moderate doses. The Turkish and burley add a good amount of body. I have started using the cigar cutter method of preparation (As shown on the SPC blog) and find that it makes the smoke quite a bit smoother. Do yourself a favor and just give this stuff a shot. The room note though, will send some running for the door. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, these guys write it like it's etched in stone. I enjoyed it immensely and it really fed the itch for something different. And even then it took me a while to admit there were other tobaccos present. My preference has always been for latakia forward blends but admit to having reservations to smoking anything that had a 70% latakia content. The impressive thing about this blend is that it has such a massive amount of latakia but somehow remains interesting and easy to smoke. I will be stocking up on this heavily. Its a classic in my mind and Im not even the biggest Latakia fan. Similar Blends: Star of the east is somewhat comparable. Psstdon't tell anybody ;). Maybe once a week. If you dig latakia alot try it . Neptune's trousers! I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. Flavorful and super relaxing. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. It is sort of goldilocks for me right out of the tin in terms of dry time. Pirate kake has that nutty burly and the sour orientals in the background of a sea of Latakia. With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. Preparing this one for smoking is a chore. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. :), Now, being serious, while it is indeed very smoky, the leathery taste is also there, which is very very interesting. The room note won't make you any friends (although my wife enjoys it), and any pipe you smoke it in will be ghosted forevermore, but it's worth it. This is one of the strongest Latakia blends I have ever smoked. This is it! , , . The reason for this was a combination of my observations and the many warnings from fellow reviewers about its heavy-to-horrid Latakia content. It does have a slight spiciness to it, but it's missing the punchiness of Ten Russians, the depth of Bill Baileys Balkan, and the spicy sweet subtleties of Plum Pudding. At first puff, you may think this will be a one-dimensional smoke, but soon the latakia smooths off to a very rich, heady, slightly sweet smoke. Fantastic smoke. I would truly smoke this over a lot of other sought after blends. Thanks to C&D, all the reviewers, SmokingPipes, and AbeIve been waiting for this!!!! I have come to enjoy Latakia mixtures for the most part. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. It requires one to slow down and enjoy the ritual and preparation of a great pipe smoke. I'd recommend packing half a bowl as even after you are done latkia will saturate your very being with creamy smoke scent. Just what I like. The savory flavor isn't too strong as to where you can't use this as an all day blend. Not nearly as overpowering as some say. So, I sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the bowl! Flavorfull and satisfying. Anyways all I can say is WOW! If you really like latakia and turkish go for it. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. If I were stuck on an island and given the choice of only one tobacco, Pirate Kake (PK) would be my choice, except Id prefer the 8oz can, which I just added to my wish list. A little air time helps but on a good dry day you can get by without it. I love this tin note being so leathery woody and sour. From char to dregs lots of nice smooth, smoky latakia flavor with hints of minor components at times. The great thing about smoking a bowl of this is that it's the same through- out. This blend is a real treat. Our Little River, SC showroom, Low Country Pipe & Cigar, is open 10am-7pm US/Eastern Monday - Saturday at 2 Hwy 90 East, Little River SC, 29566. Great for late night or cool/cold weather smoking. It is almost certain to flunk the wife test, and it's very strong room note is possibly best taken outside. No, no, no. I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool. The Creosote flavor is there, with a slight nutty undertone on occasion. As an occasional smoke it's ok, but when I finish the tin I probably will not purchase more. Free Shipping It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. The flavors are mostly Latakia, Latakia and a little spice from the Turkish tobaccos. Just a great meaty smoke. I love and appreciate the other varieties of Latakia in the market, but nothing can beat a good GL Pease or C&D English in pure delightful flavor (except for Plum Pudding maybe). As my sample was small and I liked it, but yet was not blown away by it, I am giving this one three stars with plans to pick up a tin or two to try later. I enjoy it with a strong black coffee. The only heavy latakia blend I like better is CAO old ironside. That being said, it is still something to go into with your eyes open. . Get Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - 2oz Tin | Cake Tobacco The cake itself has that delicious campfire aroma to it, but it doesn't seem to come out as much in the bowl. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. It then was lost on my tobacco shelf until August 2015. I recommend this to any Latakia fan, and for anyone looking for a warm blend to smoke on a cold winter day. It is a perfect smoke to end the day's demands or to stir up a boring afternoon. But, I rather parrot and babble on a bit longer. Boring, one dimensional lat. UPDATE: 12/3/2013 Not just a lat bomb. The pressed cakes are good looking, somewhat moist and tightly pressed. To my suprise the unburnt aroma is quite sweet, nutty and not overly Latakia-ish. Slow and careful smoking, as noted, will reveal a more complex flavor character than is on the surface. And like other heavy latakia blends, this one tends to make me thirsty. Will buy more and experiment to see what aging does. Beautiful gray ash. that just makes this blend too much for me. Best smoked after a meal (not before) or it will overpower one's palate. Actually Latakia on its own is quite cool and smooth; however, monochromatic. So I went ahead and ordered it. I also had trouble keeping it lit, and it was not the easiest to rub out from the rock hard cake bar it comes in. For all that oily leaf this blend smokes remarkably well. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. I mean that in the best possible sense. Basaltic, spicy, dark chocolate, medium nicotine. Slightly dry and astringent smoke (but in a good way?). L, , My #1 favorite that titillates my taste buds. I have smoked about 7 oz. So now only in the strongest blends am I able to sense, smell (and for some, taste). Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. LDG - Laudisi Distribution Group Really like the piece I have come up with for this one. The burley appears for a moment after lighting, then steps back to make way for full- force latakia with bits of tasty turkish aroma punctuating. Made with the Latakia lover in mind, Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with medium strength and a substantial taste. Upon opening a small sample given to me by father, I noted the sample was about as hard as concrete. Viene con cierta humedad, as que despus de desmenuzar hay que dejarlo un buen rato para que se oxigene y adquiera el punto ptimo. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Pirate Kake is fantastic: I could smoke this stuff every day, all day long. . Its a big black latakia-screaming block. Everyone wants to try, everyone wants to brag about how much they love it, everyone is crying inside. I purchased this because I wanted to experience what a Latakia "bomb" is. The next loyal matey did too but the rest well those yellow stripe down their back traitors looked and ran puffing or sipping this will not bite or even come close. Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! But hey We all need some "Alone Time" now and then. The Latakia used in this is top notch however and had a great taste. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. A few bites in you decide that it's just ok.. then a few more bites.. nope, I've had enough. I intend to smoke half of my stockpile fresh, but I'm also looking forward to how PK will taste with a little age, and the Latakia softened a little. I mix it three parts Dunhill Early Morning Pipe to one part Pirate Kake. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. I ordered a one-pound brick of Pirate Kake (#970P). Smooth and creamy may seem incompatible with aformentiond sensations, but somehow it isn?t with Pirate Kake. Age When Smoked . On the positive side: the "cut" (or presentation) of this cake tobacco is superb. I could very well see pirates smoking this out of their clay pipes as they flew the Jolly Roger. I always load my pipe the night before and let it sit overnight. It seems to have a topping but it contributes to the excellent flavor. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. This is a cousin to the now defunct Old Ironsides . if that makes sense. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. Pipe Tobacco. Smoke a bowl in the morning and you will taste it all day. My all time Lat bomb. Mild nicotine. And the bricks were pretty cool, I must say. Cornell and Diehl should be forced to perform some kind of community service to repent for making this. The strength level is just shy of the center of medium to full. I decided to wait a while to review this one because I kept bouncing back and forth from loving to hating it. I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. So Im not sure if its a good idea or not but I went thru a pound in a week. The mixture is creamy, dry, woodsy and with a lot of peat accents. It doesn't do anything that would keep me coming back to it. But not just any Latakia. The scent from the open bag makes promises that are kept. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. The aroma seems to be fairly stong. There are latakia blends, there are heavy latakia blends and then..there's Pirate Kake. Very full and satisfying. Similar Blends: Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians. It's almost as if the smoke is too heavy to be moved by the imperceptible drafts in a house that will carry most smoke away. It does smoke cool with no bite. I've had the privilege of smoking a pretty decent variety of blends for my budget. A surprisingly delicate and spicy tobacco, which plays in the upper league of Latakia blends, together with Ten Russians and Da Vinci (all manufactured by Cornell & Diehl). I'm sure this has something to do with my humidifying skills, so I usually only buy a couple of ounces at a time. Shiver me timbers brethern of the coast this here be one tobacco that land lubers and weak of knees should leave be. I can't truly call it an English blend (even a Lat-Bomb English), but I like what it does. Both have huge ammounts of latakia. Once I got it going I found it to be packed with flavor right from the get go. One of the most popular mixtures of C&D and also among lovers of latakia. A few puffs into the bowl, the Latakia smooths out a bit and it is just a great smoke. I disagree with a lot of the reviewers that claim that this blend lacks complexity. The unlit note gives more than a suggestion of lots of Latakia, so on with the actual smoke: It comes as no surprise that the leading flavour's the smoky Latakia. a. any true believer could be the leader of the Islamic world. Slipped a nother cob into the arsenal yestiddy. Initially very smoky, somewhat sweet, very smooth, but ultimately uninteresting. Also a great mixer- See my C&D review of Jamaican Rum. Oct 11, 2018. Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. I liked it a lot but was a little harsh, naturally I jarred it up , put it away and tried other blends in my quest of tobaccos. I love the kake format, and will buy more. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. What I'm getting? This is Latakia heaven, and it is sublime. I got hints of this flavor throughout the bowl and I must say, I like it! Totally my own fault : ). Id like to thank whatever pirate blended this one up because its incredible. I immediately thought of a bouquet of dried herbs. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. Wow, holding in the hands a brick of this extremely dark brown-black blend (no light-colored bits in it!) It's still a strong smoke, it's just got a fairly mild flavor. Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with mild nicotine strength, but big flavor & taste. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. It is somewhat similar to Ten Russians, but there definitely is a difference between the two blends and Pirate Kake is much, much better. As the description above notes, ? The age has definitely blended the strong latakia together into the others. The satisfaction this baccy gives me is immense. I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. This one is just not for me. Not an all day smoke but one that we'll take you to Latakia heaven. Not for beginners ! A Latakia blast similar to the ones which built the Hoover dam. FREE Shipping on all US orders over $95 | When Will My Package Ship? It will definitely do for someone who seeks as much latakia as possible though. I've had english blends once or twice for fun but don't really like them. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. In my ridiculously long churchwarden the smoke was actually pretty mellow for a latakia blend. This is a good blend if you really want to know what "Latakia Forward" means. Highly recommended. This blend is GREAT! Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. Smoothness and richness of the smoke is here in good measure. Kake is misleading as the pressed tobacco has many of the characteristics of a small piece of 5/4 inch pine decking. I tend to think either C&D is using some very old Latakia or that this blend is not 70% Latakia. The latakia is there, right up front, and bold indeed! There is this faint sense of a very dark chocolate that drifts through at times, so this stuff is not without occasional subtleties. Opening the fresh tin (080318 I love that C&D tins are so easy to date) the Latakia hits your sinuses straight away. Once I broke off a chunk, rubbed it out and let it sit a day or two; boy does it have a great spicey hearth fire scent! On the other hand if you like heavy Latakia blends then this may be for you. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience! Definitely now in my rotation. C&D Pirate Kake at 4 Years :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews The "creaminess" can be a little heavey at times so I have found this to be a good tobacco to cut with a lighter english. I find the blend very relaxing and I am still working through the sample ounce I purchased. The process is something like consulting the I Ching each sip of smoke is a new slice of life, each new line builds a hexagram. Makes you earn it's respect.

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