THE OTHER 33RD PARALLEL- SOUTH: 1. This also allowed for the sacrifice of children since. 13. Others being Hercules, whose father was Zeus and whose, Mother was a mortal woman, or Jesus whose mother was the Virgin Mary and whose, Father was The Holy Spirit. White South Africans are represented at a ratio of 300 times their population when compared to American members. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earths equatorial plane. . The Fascists ritual ended with the human being killed. Big cities: 33rd north parallel (Los Angeles and Iraq). Download Unionpedia on your Android device! 1. The people are like sheep. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. The first person pictured are hindu yogis. He was convicted of heresy based on the book in 1633. 6. Claim this business (903) 449-8252. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. NEW MEXICO WILL BE THE CENTER POINT IN AMERICAS SECOND. Iraq is located on the 33rd parallel. b) . 3. Paul was executed like his savior due. They were removed. 5. F. CONNECTION BETWEEN 33RD PARALLEL AND THE TWO RECENT PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS THAT FAILED (Ford & Reagan). Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. This is the, Oldest stock exchange in Germany, going back nearly 500 years. Following this working 3 events occurred The UFO phenomenon began in earnest in. Part of the border between Iran and Iraq is defined by the parallel. Where is the 33rd parallel in Australia? - Short-Fact This occurred on June 29, 1963 when Pope John Paul VI assumed the papacy. SINCE 1944, ALL SUCCESSFUL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS OF PRESIDENTS SUCCEED ON 33RD PARALLEL TOUCHED STATE. . . YET ANOTHER COINCIDENCE??? 02. Russian Oligarch alleges their involvement with the CIA, British Intel in Afghan heroin to Europe. Around the world [ edit] CIA crack dealing with gangs. 3. It has more power due to this. Pontius Pilate was a Governor, not a member, D. SINCE PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WARNED OF THE RISE OF A, MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, AMERICA HAS BEEN RULED BY, *There have been two exceptions John F. Kennedy ; was assassinated in front of, Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas a 33rd parallel located State and Gerald Ford was an, Appointed President.When Ford did run he lost to a 33rd parallel candidate Jimmy Carter, from, Georgia. THANKYOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. c) Hillary Clinton & Rudi Giuliani both support it. The Aleister Crowley connection to Menton, France. Bill Clinton left behind at least 100 mystery deaths as well, it is clearly a bipartisan. TWO HUNDRED / 20% OF DEATH ROW INMATES TO THEIR DEMISE IN TANDEM. The important number 3. Thus an illuminati agent gave FDR, The home in which he died as a gift. TEXAS EXECUTIONS UNDER THE GEORGE W. BUSH ADMINISTRATION: International Outrage over Texecutioner Bush, . Solar Events, Social Unrest, Financial Collapse Cosmic or Conscious? The Memphis Mizraim are a black magic cult that are said to be active in Iraq in Baghdad in particular. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R ) strongly supports the death penalty . Everything Changes at 33: Numerology & Occult Symbolism - Debt to The 33rd parallel, Passes through Alabama. Both are in favor of the death penalty. Executions continue to be carried out as of 2005. I just cant say m dump with the mistries. The universe runs on an energy .said the Aztecsand the gods thirst for it was perpetual and insatiable. Cities on the 33rd degree parallel? Death Row Mississippi : Located in Parchman, Mississippi in SunFlower, County. By Anton LaVey. YOU, THE READER STILL HAVE. (see wiki above). He was a Senator not a, Governor. The following link or article provides information on the interlinks between, Freemasonry, the Klan, the Knight templars and other orders that essentially. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. This small incident shows the, Fraudulent nature of the cult masquerading as a government., The Saddam Reactor was named after the Egyptian god Osiris. US General Patton knew of the power of the Spear, wanted to claim it for the United. Styx - I Am The Walrus - YouTube Approximately how many STATUTE miles is Miami, Florida, located at 25 degrees N, 80 degrees W, from the South Pole? Are different subsidiaries of the same evil corporate structure. BAALBEK , LEBANON LARGEST STONE BLOCKS IN THE WORLD -AND PRIMARY LOCATION OF HUMAN SACRIFICE ON THE PLANET. Multibillion dollar industry is largely based here. By the hurricane itself. Pls see: and . The previous site notes that the Leaseholder for the Seers Tower is Trizec Properties, Run by Peter Munk,of Hungary a business associate of George HW Bush and many other important, And powerful individuals in the Barrick Gold company ( Recently became Worlds largest. Men allegedly had a major interest in the occult. . 4. a) Gray Davis- Forced Nominees to California Supreme Court to uphold death penalty. THE 33rd PARALLEL IS THE MOST POWERFUL LOCATION NOT THE ONLY LOCATION WHERE THIS ACTIVITY CAN OCCUR. The facility was previously secret until exposed by a, . It was situated about 10 miles from the city of Waco. Fort Bliss Texas is IMMEDIATELY adjacent to previously mentioned El Paso and, Ciudad Juarez where hundreds of women have disappeared but more importantly . . Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (D) strongly favors the death penalty. EXACT AREAS IN WHICH GALILEO WORKED happens to end up on the currency. Her father was a. . (Freemasonry being associated with Solar or Sun worship) Latitude N 33.92 . * Bagram Air Base is the original black site where CIA torture killings began. See Answer. The entire line of descent for Saddam was exterminated. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Both families assisted the rise of the Third Reich . . Unknown others are housed around the world , tortured and oftentimes killed . The Twin Towers are located at latitude, 40.07 (adds up to 11). Phoenix, AZ is also a hive of Freemasonry. Yale graduate, Freemason and possible skull and bones member Hiram Bingham. The event that today remains synonymous with UFO and alien lore, the rumoured 1947 crash and retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft at Roswell . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR COMPLEX AT NATANZ IS LOCATED AT 33.31 N LATITUDE ( AN ANAGRAM FOR NATANZ IS ZATAN OR SATAN): or google Natanz Iran latitude. ALL OF THE SELLERS JPMC does not like what is being sold- it does not buy. . __CHRIST DIED NAILED TO A SOLAR CROSS BY MITHRAS FOLLOWERS ROMAN LEGIONAIRES THAT WERE AKIN TO MASONS & WHOSE SYMBOL WAS AN EAGLE IN A LAND BISECTED BY 33RD PARALLEL. . after Christ died. Huntsville, TX: Masonic Temple 0.9 miles away. Remnants survived until today and they are led, By a hereditary leader The Aga Khan. Lyndon Johnson of Texas. 3. TIME TO ACT AGAINST EVILNOT JUST READ ABOUT HOW BAD IT IS. California or Kali-Fornia is as noted on the 33rd Parallel N latitude. Thus Elohim City is the City of the gods, located in 33rd parallel bisected Oklahoma. 33rd Parallel Archives - the Numinous 3. Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. . The 11 again. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, place of Death Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Grandson of Roger of Sicily the founder of the phrase or symbol The Jolly, Roger -THE CROSSED THIGH BONES AND SKULL OF THE PIRATES, SS, THE JESUITS AND. So do those who closely follow the script. Something is, going on. Suggested takeover of Soviet, 7. . MULLAH OMAR (TALIBAN), Richard Nixon told the turks to stop growing poppies and turning it into heroin for. Relics such as the Baghdad Museum sacking on a scale unknown since the Nazis. Clearly, Uday and Qusay would be privy to numerous secrets, bank accounts, Intelligence information and leads that COULD have and many believe SHOULD have, It almost seemed as if the US Government wanted them dead for some reason that has. This is the organization closest to George W. Bushs Texas. Since the. now occupied by China. GILGAMESH CADAVER IS THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF A, HUMAN GOD HYBRID. An offer to allow the minor to leave prior to a fight to the death could have, Been made. 3. 2. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Of Kosovo. Check Pages 1-50 of 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death in the flip PDF version. How can persons with this background get to the verge of the Presidency? Iran executes the second largest number of people in the world after China. 3. A plot was alleged but was dismissed by the Judge in the case. 33- the Secret of Number 33, 33 Parallel 2. AND KARBALA ,IRAQ WHERE SHIA ISLAMS FOUNDER WAS DECAPITATED ARE IDENTICAL Please google the terms yourself for purposes of verification or use a map or globe. He was removed from power. . Nashville has a famous clock tower that is believed by occultists to be a replica of a. . The Significance Of The 33rd Parallel The area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come closest together -- allegedly the place of the earliest human "civilization" -- lies virtually at the 3330'N latitude, in what is now modern Iraq. Since the facility, will be built outside of the small citys limits -again- an identical match is a distinct, possibility. The excavation or. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2. The Pontius Pilate Paradigm There is a commonality among 33rd parallel US, Governors that needs to mirror the paradigm of the Governor of Palestine making a, Decision on granting clemency to deny it in order to seek the Presidency. The Music Industry and 33rd Parallel Influences from India in California: Everyone has seen video or even cartoons of the hindu fakir lulling a deadly cobra into, Docility through music and movement. In their blue chadors in soccer stadiums. Not too far to the south of that region is where the Mayans did the same. The return of their god kukulkan in 2012. Legalized death penalty whose face is on the Iraqi dinar became intertwined. GEORGE W BUSH ( TOP EXECUTIONER IN US HISTORY) PRAISES IRAQ CURRENCY DEPICTING INVENTOR OF THE DEATH PENALTY FOR THE WORLD HAMMURABI , KING OF BABYLON: 1. The ones mentioned in this article are a mere. Saddam believed himself to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar the conqueror. The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. . The screaming eagles are the 101st Airborne Division. 11. . Recently , President George W Bush appointed George Herbert Walker III as, Ambassador to Hungary. A kidney can fetch up to a million$ in Mexico. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space, a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. . Realty that will involve this event prior to its occurrence. . 2. Death Penalty founder is King Hammurabi: circa 1750 B.C. Found in Code of. Said organizations authority over US citizens at every opportunity. The number of executions in the USA just could not compete and a turnkey death, energy factory primarily Abu Ghraib was needed or the Tran- dimensional entities that, constantly lust for blood according to the Aztecs would direct their favors with. The word Sacramento in Spanish means Sacrament as in the body of Christ at the last supper or the Sacrament of Communion for Catholics in which the sacrificed body of Christ is present in the bread and wine. Remember Sex , Drugs, Rock and Roll? He was referred to as THE ANTICHRIST BY POPE GREGORY THE 9th. Gold company after purchase of Canadas Placer Dome) which he also runs. The writer knows that the reader has previously guessed at who built the facility but. It will be a private space launch facility near, Truth or Consuences, New Mexico. Mind control cult Lyndon LaRouche frame-up, Achmed Chalabi attended a Jesuit School in Baghdad. Ancient and is estimated to have killed on a one by one basis over 2 million Indians. What city is 33 degrees north latitude and 112 degrees west longitude? For photos of the sheer size of some of these blocks which cannot be replicated by modern methods or move, pls refer to: . See map of region ruled by Anasazi. Find more similar flip PDFs like 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death. . CONTROL OF THIS CORPSE, MAY EXPLAIN WAR AND THE LOOTING AS A MEANS TO ACCESS THESE, MATERIALS AND RELICS RATHER THAN HAVING THEM FALL IN THE, HANDS OF RIVAL OCCULT CONSORTIUM OF FRANCE-GERMANY-RUSSIA &. 2. Also . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. No hope of a dynasty or a comeback to the throne. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 near the 33rd parallel. This organization has been accused of being a mind, The number of cults and groupings is vast. The Shambala Meditation Center, associated with, Tibetan Buddhism. . The theory is expounded that the, Real reason for the current Iraq war was to secure relics, technology or sites belonging, To ET races or an Ante-Deluvian (pre- Great Flood) Civilization by the Bush administration. It has a pyramid. Again, can this be coincidence? Death row is to the south. __MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS BORN IN ATLANTA ON 33RD PARALLEL, __PYRAMID DESIGNED BY ROSSER INTERNATIONAL, A PRISON DESIGN, ARCHITECTURAL FIRM BASED IN 33RD PARALLEL ATLANTA GEORGIA. Required fields are marked *. Attention of world leaders is focused on what he says. . The 33rd parallel, Joshua Tree, Landers Giant Rock. Ideal Candidate must be a governor of 33rd parallel jurisdiction as was Pontius, modern day Israel has 33rd parallel run through north. This may explain in part the interest in outerspace. The Nazi connection to the JFK. & . There is only so much good luck in the world and if one wants to increase wealth, health and so forth it must, . For purposes of accuracy it should be noted that the majority of ritual killings of black, Human beings in the former Confederate States did not occur through the use of the death. Apparently, it was the 33rdUnited States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs.Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. THE PROBLEM with the story: John Kerry was not Irish. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger (R ) supports the death penalty, (Pls refer to link in 1, previously and link to each separate State for details), 3. g) . 5. Over twenty years ago sixty-two students from a far-off school in Ruwa, saw one thing terribly strange a flying saucer and when they were asked to draw what they saw the drawings were shocking. Started building massive stone pueblos that aligned with the sun, the moon & each other . . 2. This correlates to the Bull Worship associated with Persian ruled, . Sacrifice to propitiate non-human disembodied intelligences to secure POWER. . The Bank is. . &. Abraham was one. More Death Penalty Stricter Sentencing. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. . Women have been murdered or have vanished. Be getting orders to commit the savage crime from the beatles White Album. In fact , Nashville is the possible home of secrets pertaining to the Holy Grail, a vessel filled. Coming to Pyramids, there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. Himmler organized the corps along the lines of the Jesuits. . a) Colonia Dignidad Dignity Colony . 7. Hammurabi is seen by some as a Proto-Antichrist figure that first dreamed of putting, Humanity under one government, run by one man. ** MITHRAS WORSHIP ASSOCIATED WITH THE ANASAZI , *10. EVERY COUNTRY THROUGH WHICH THE 33RD PARALLEL PASSES ALLOWS THE DEATH PENALTY AND THE TOP GOVERNMENTAL EXECUTIONERS CHINA, IRAN , UNITED STATES ARE INCLUDED: (* Only exception since 2000 is now tiny Bermuda), Around the world (Pls refer to map, globe or computer if needed). . In fact. 3) The longitude and latitude lines for the center of Jerusalem add up to the biblical. . The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. . The latitude of New Orleans is N. Latitude 30.03. Jimmy Carter announces run for the Presidency from Sumter County AFTER, while, Governor, he signed the death penalty back into law bringing the death -energy grid, connection to Abu Ghraib back on line. . EVERY STATE THROUGH WHICH THE 33RD PARALLEL PASSES ALLOWS FOR THE DEATH PENALTY: ALABAMA -YES (PLS Refer to following site for State by State details, .). 16. Which uses rituals from the. Arizona State University also plays host to Walter Cronkite School of Journalism &. This is a good description of Jesus Christ. Crop Cireles Broken Down to 11 conclusions, High Generals of Ancient Macedonian Part IV, Biblical Connections to Familiar Phrases and Sayings II. 4. The Department of Homeland Security has purchased all its computers from Apple. 9. The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae and the foot has 33 joints. . 5. America's Paranormal Highway: The 37th Parallel - Gaia Vice-President of the United States in wartime the discovery of this is what caused FDR to drop Wallace in the 44 election. The Mysterious Case of Parallel 33 Curiosmos

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