Along the lines of being distracted, his stress can also distract him from speaking to you. He needs to focus on himself and make some changes before he can have a healthy relationship. This article will show you how to deal with the complex personality of the Aquarius man and how to tell if he doesnt like you anymore. The best thing you can do is remove your energy and focus on yourself for a while. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. He a. When you figure that out, youll be able to plan around make sure your needs are being met as well. There is still a lot you can do to fix the relationship with your Aquarius man. He told me many times to not give up on him and dont let him go before the breakup, but when I tried to hold him back, he was being very cold hearted and did not want me to see him or touch him. This is also why it is so easy for him to detach his feelings from someone and transform into a completely different person. We are also long distance now when before we were not. He doesn't like a girl who keeps texting and calling him all the time and forcing him to do something he doesn't like. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Boredom for an Aquarius man is a big no-no and an indicator that he is done with you for good. Being the best friend to an Aquarius man means spending time with him and making him feel comfortable and happy in your presence. What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Aquarius man? Ghosting you will be the most likely route he'll take to get rid of you, short of telling you outright that he's not into you. If an Aquarius man doesn't like you, he will cut back on texts, if not stop altogether. But they`re always too involved with their own world of thoughts that most of the time it feels like they are impenetrable. He will not be aware of it, but the Aquarius man will be irked by everything you do, no matter how well-meaning your actions are. He doesn't ask you out. If I were you I wouldnt have sex with him. Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer. Learning communication may help you salvage what you feel you have lost. Why he is so honest: This man doesnt beat around the bush. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5601. It's important to him that his relationship makes him feel free to be himself, and that having ample alone time. The truth is that she needs some time to sort out her thoughts and feelings. Kise saw the guilt in the tanned teen's eyes, he felt thin of satisfaction in him, Aominechi should feel remorseful after what he did to Kurokochi. You can tell he doesnt care if your relationship is centered on his needs and every decision revolves around him. True everyone knows how an Aquarius is and being insecure will make it difficult anyway from we broke up we still communicated but he did get busy with work so less talking but I swear when we first met he told me that he would start getting busy and when we did hang out he gave me all his time and attention fast forward I asked him to be my best-friend and he agreed .. he says Im still his fav person which I was surprised because of all the stress I put onto him I ask myself how is that possible. Read next: 4 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Most Complicated Lover In The Zodiac. He will settle in comfort and security in your relationship if you let him have fun, be it with you, alone with himself, or with his friends. However, if he never inquires about your personal life, even when you engage in conversation with him, this is one of the signs that an Aquarius man does not like you or is not interested to know you better. Let him know where you stand and what you expect from him; he will appreciate it and be honest with you in return. Gemini won't really talk to you. We use to talk everyday. It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. You dont deserve this! A sign of an Aquarius man in love is that he will share all his private thoughts, his dreams and all his hopes with you. I was afraid of losing him and very angry at the same time. I try not to nag him with a million questions but hes so hot and cold and sucks when it comes to communication. If youre struggling with an Aquarius man being too passive, I strongly suggest you take my 30-day Aquarius Man Love Challenge It will get you from cold and distant treatment to a loving, exciting relationship. First, he blows off your plans together. When he keeps making excuses about why he cannot hang out, why he cant call, or why he doesnt talk much, then hes probably not into you. All you can really do is make yourself happy. How to attract an Aquarius man through text: Is it possible? Hes unavailable, summarized: When he no longer makes time for you then you know that he is becoming less and less interested in you. What should I do about the communication and gift aspect. He hadnt said or done anything differently than he usually did.then on Tuesday, he asked me if we could have a serious talk and he told me he doesnt have romantic feelings for me but he still wants to hang out and be friends.basically everything weve already been doing for the past five months. He said he wants to see me but he cant physically do it? Thats just who they are. Cut your losses and try to move on! He hasnt ever disappeared on me or anything. He is self-centered. 2. You have an Aquarius stellium, so need to know. Covid has been making it very difficult for many relationships and businesses. Being truthful will make him at ease and have more trust in you. What follows is the same for everyone with your question. My aquarius man is acting distant now that I had to spend unessary money and he said he was pissed and been talking to me and texting me less or picking wich message he should respond to after he text me first. At that point, youll know if he likes you or if hes done. One of the worst qualities of an Aquarius man is his stubborn streak it can be so annoying to deal with! He walks me out to my car gives me a big hug we have a conversation. If responsibility were a human, it would be a Capricorn man. Me and my Aquarius man has been having a lot of argument which is always initiated by mean cos I mostly dont understand me,we arent in a relationship but we have a very special friendship normally if we have argument we talk about it, acknowledge our faults and things go back to normal but dis time is different we talked about it, but now he doesnt talk that much to me again, always there for me when I have a problem, calls me but not like b4. Get more details about your Gemini man! It does seem he just wants to be friends but you should ask him directly about it. Again though, if he still talks to you but in lesser quantity, either hes thinking about things or hes busy. The thing you need to understand about Aquarius men is that they have a really hard time relating to romantic relationships, all the emotions and feelings overwhelm their highly intellectual brain a bit too much. Saturn going out of Aquarius (groups, friends, Eleventh House) and Pluto entering Aquarius, is huge for you. Allowing the Aquarius man the time to be alone is essential for your relationship. There should always be some compromise to make it work. The Aquarius man is not dishonest but is prone to hiding his feelings when he senses that people keep things from him or manipulate him. He's distressed. When ignoring me he is talking to others. The introverted personality of the Aquarius man makes communicating with him tricky. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. He is easy to commit to someone he cares about and sees a future with. He just loves to give back to humanity. Discussions on his favorite topics and interests will engage him better than flirtatious or emotional topics. I never met a fellow Capricorn yet i wish i can meet someone who is on my same views in life i am 36 years old and im already loosing hope. If that is not enough for you then you will have to ask him to find a compromise with you otherwise, you have to figure out a way to be alright with how he is. Make sure you check it out. Aquarius (January 22-February 19) Travel plans are foreseen for you but you may have to involve people you are not so fond of. The Aquarius man is a Fixed Air sign having an unpredictable and moody personality. Spend quality time with him when you can then understand when he needs to be alone, he needs to be alone. An Aquarius man is often independent and doesn't need anyone else in his life. It could give you more insight to the heart of the Aquarius man. Read also : Number One Reason Aquarius Avoids Your Texts. You still stand a chance with your Aquarius man by knowing what he wants deep within and giving all of it to him, to find out what those needs and wants are, I recommend reading. : With, how to tell if he doesnt like you anymore. Im a Sagittarius woman. 15 Signs An Aquarius Man Is Not Into You. So, if you arent sure if hes mad or if he really doesnt like you or if he still talks to you in any form at all, hes either mad or just busy. They enjoy loving the right person and won't want that person to be out of sight for a long period of time. There is a lot you probably should know about this sign as they are confusing. He's not like a Libra man where the Libra will still be nice to youCapricorn will go cold and completely emotionless. Hell take this as youre chasing him, and things will not go well for you. Besides i cannot force someone to stay.. On the other hand, when he finds the right girl, he will gradually succumb to the most passionate paths of love. Trying to make ends meet in this hyper-competitive age can be difficult, which is why your Aquarius guy may be required to take on multiple jobs in order to make ends meet financially. It would appear that your Aquarius guy is someone who sees you as someone he cares for quite a bit which he can do without being in a relationship with you. Distrust is one of the signs Signs Your Husband is Not in Love With You Anymore that is most prominent in an Aquarius. Take the time to know what he likes or dislikes and find out what you have in common and your significant differences. I am a Gemini/Cancer (cusp) and my Aquarius friend have been seeing each other for about 5 months. They're the great explorers of the astrological world. Never say never but youll need to apologize to him for what happened before and tell him how youre working on changing this behavior so you dont do it again. Ive been seeing this aquarius guy on and off for about 2 months. Let him work for your love at this point honey. Be thankful for the closure and for the chance to find a better man who will be a better fit for you. It is not impossible! If youre in a serious relationship with him and he starts blowing you off, youll absolutely feel it and know that hes either trying to get rid of you or hes really ticked off. Aquarius Psychological Traits. Recreating that potent connection has nothing to do with sexual tension. Besides, relationships are supposed to be based on compromise and making each other feel good, within reason. Here are some pointers that might help him change his feelings about you. But when he finds that being away from you is better than being with you, he might stay away for good. When youre not giving him attention, he may actually miss you and seek you out. The Aquarius man in love is loyal and affectionate; he likes to be the hero knight who fights for his. Trust me, if an Aquarius man ever liked you, then there is certainly hope to salvage the relationship. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets all based on one simple fact his Zodiac sign. She blocks you on social media. I dont know what to do. So he doesn't like conversations about the relationship and he doesn't like calling me. He Doesnt Speak About The Future With You, Questions To Ask An Aquarius Man To Get Him Interested In You. Of course, there are! If you find that he has backed off and completely cold-shouldered you, hes done. Yet he told me my ex will never be a reason to leave us(yet he did). The Aquarius man is difficult to understand, but if you do put in the extra effort, youll know what makes him happy and feel excited. They won't ever spill their heart about a breakup, let alone even tell you their boyfriend just dumped them, and if you ask they'll give you a politician's answer. They are are fixed sign so you have to be flexible and love him the way he is and show that you can do that consistently and patiently. When you are intimate, he just doesn't seem into it anymore. They are very analytical so when they are feeling really down, they cannot seem to find the optimism they once had which makes everything else spiral. The Aquarius man is not above using someone for personal gain. He said there was no problem. Either you should stop with Aquarius OR maybe there is a reason you are attracted to Aquarius so much. I dont know if he is testing or what. Take care not to take things personally and offend him or take offense yourself.

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